Tuesday, June 8, 2010

hello people! really sorry yesterday never update finish LOL
cos was talking to desiree on the phone, so yeah hehe!

actually there's nothing much to cont becos go jusco shopping and eat only
everyone should go jusco because it's CHEAP,BIG,CLOTHES AND SHOES AWESOME,ARCADE.
and SUSHI KING IS NICE!!! everyone go eat! :D

okay, so i'm still sick -.-
my nose lorhs. sometimes okay sometimes not okay.
and i fought with my mum. zzzz
wu li qu nao? whatever larhs.

should i change my blogskin?
so long never read codes. plus i'm a lil bored with my skin.

today was okay lorhs. slack only.
whole day rain. lalala!
i'm lazy to type much.
pictures for kukup trip will be uploaded in full by tmr or thursday! ;D

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