Monday, October 22, 2012

East Coast Park; finally.

went to ECP with the boy on Saturday.
we were supposed to go together as a couple few months ago.
but i'm glad we're best friends now and still able to go outings tgt.

update tomorrow or day after. been out the whole day.
having a face mask now, bathe, SLEEP.

Saturday, October 20, 2012


What is up lovely sexies? :B
short update cos I'm feeling so lazy yet having the urge to blog!

lesson yesterday was per normal, not much to update.
thought that I would spend the whole day home catching up on homework and stuff,
but i managed to go out with the boy!

shall talk about it either tomorrow or Monday, including pictures too!

currently having my face mask now. like finally.

Good night loves xo.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Short lil update~

feelingz barney-ish?

I'm so free bored tired random today so I decided to haz a short update!
school today was fine, it's like going up and down.
had arguments with the boy last night and wasn't in the right mood, worst : Multimedia Programming.

I felt like a total dumb blonde cos I failed programming last sem & I really didn't know any basics at all.
today is the day..............WHERE I FINALLY DID MY PROBLEM STATEMENT 
without copying like last semester.

but still, there was a stew-pid quiz we had to do and I just wrote some shitz.

met Regina to get my clothes and I forgot to bring mine for her! She must be cursing and swearing :'(
I'll take photos of them one day! I haven't even opened the bag of clothes yet cos my parents are in my room. HEHEHE.

Daddy came to fetch me after school and my shoulder still feels so achy.
hope i'll be better by tomorrow or Saturday so I can do my homeworkkkk.

Black tanktop + Jeggings from lastbusride.livejournal
Light brown/dark cream Belt from Yew Tee Point
Cream cardigan at Cotton On ($5 ONLY OMGSZX)
Flats from Clementi BHG.
Burberry bag (stole from my mum)

Byez byez from Me and Erica! <3 font="font">

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Been such a busy day today but blogging comes first  second.
okay not really cos I already submitted my RJ and stuff. LOL.
seems funny as it's only Wednesday and today has been the busiest day.
I've to arrange a meetup with Regina tomorrow, do my RJ, and another two homework which I really want to begin with.
worst is I've been having so many body aches and getting real tired easily,

I HAVEN'T PLAYED TETRIS TODAY. *it's like a drug kinda thing.....*

haven't been taking nice photos of myself because my face has been breaking out.
I don't even have time to use my face masks cos i'm scared i'll be too tired till i sleep off with it. HAHAHA.

loving the ring that i wore today cos my another ring that i usually wear is with the boy.
kinda long story but the point is I can't get used to not wearing any ring. and after looking at this for one whole day, i kinda love it more!

one more thing that makes me and my mind go busy is I've been having urges to draw and draw and draw.

no idea where i got this idea from but it just came out.

taken from a website with a girl wearing these, she's kinda meaty so.....
but this one is ugly though :(

School has been mad and there's just so many things to update and talk about.
stress level getting high high because I don't even have time to love myself.
sounds so wrong right. LOL. but really. :'(

update soon! love you all ;)

Monday, October 15, 2012


flash shows my pimplezz.

Went to my grandma's house yesterday and Kelly has finally ended her exams!!!
her fringe and hair is like so nice now. mine is so short till i have to pin it up to hide it. hehe.
played monopoly deal and mahjong. fun-sized people play fun-sized mahjong!

because if you compare their hands and the tiles. PHEWW. 
the set came with a small table and a stand for the tiles. it's like scrabble-mahjong ^_^
my luck was like so close yet so far! every time left 1 or 2 more will win.
worst was i thought i won the last round. lucky never play with real money. LOL.

today was DRAWING.

this first lesson is so tough to describe. it's like nice yet un-nice at the same time?
i guess i'll just show my drawings ._.

half face i drew for the start of lesson.
*first drawing after many months* not bad right

lines and shapes everywhere. i'm so lazy to explain why we do all these~

this is my best artwork. I drawz linez.

I guess drawing is gonna be fun and I hope I can catch up my on my drawing skills fast :(
feeling sick if you guys saw my facebook. and i'm feeling uncomfortable now.

update soon kay? byeee :)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

First day of Sem 2 + Saturday!

 Hello sexy people! been spending the few days out and about. been lazy and moody.

what day? 1ST DAY OF SEMESTER 2!

two words to describe my day/class/teammates: Amazingly awesome.
didn't take photos on that day as I was just toooooo excited. *and I thought I was late for school*

wore a simple long sleeve grey top (cotton on) and black shorts.
I'm loving cotton on <3 font="font">

started the class with playing those typical lame games but our class was kinda open!
i think i'm going to love this class :B

not going to go so much info but i knew i had so much fun!
my teammates are like fated to be together. there's a more serious one; and crazy crazy people.
hope i'll have even more awesome teammates for the next few modules!

SATURDAY was even better. spent the day with the boy.
but don't get me wrong; we're still friends :)

Tied up hair with pinned up fringe.
Cream coloured top from lastbusride.livejournal
Black shorts from mila
Vintage - old fashioned bag from my grandpa
*invisible grey cardigan from cotton on because i forgot to include it in the photo*

It was raining heavily when i left house but luckily it stopped and waited for the boy near his house.
headed to Bugis and it was a surprising day for me as I didn't plan on doing anything much.

Didn't know that the boy actually checked the movie timing and asked me if I wanted to watch Taken 2.
I didn't want to as I haven't watch part 1 yet and also...........
felt kinda bad cos I had no single cent in my wallet :'( *Okay maybe i paid a dollar for the cheesy hot-dog*
we bought the tickets and went to the temple to pray. finally feel much more peaceful now :B

bought our drinks and food but we had to wait for another 40 minutes to enter the cinema ._.
so we kinda ate all our food already. LOL!

the movie was quite nice though, might be over-rated but an 8/10 maybe?

Had our dinner as Aston's and I haven't eaten such good food for so long.
we had some quarrels after but then we headed to BPP to shop for his games and stuff.
sent the boy home and that was my Saturday :')

really glad that we spent some quality time together and the best was you paid for everything.
I know most girls would be thinking like " what's so happy that he paid for everything? isn't it normal?"
firstly; we're both friends and he's still willing to pay for EVERYTHING.
secondly; he knows my situation and he's willing to do all these for me.

Really glad that I have him by my side. I love you Willie.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Short yet epic visit to RP!

Hello readers. Feeling kinda tired naozxc. My first day of Semester 2 starts tomorrow! ^-^
today has been a tiring day; feeling so restless but I went out for a short while.

went to RP and met Nisa as we had to buy our Drawing stuff. why it's a "D" cos that's one of our modules!
wore a simple black tank with white shorts. 
Coach bag I haven't been using for awhile and my typical shoes & ring :)

Our "shopping" time was so epic. we had what we wanted in mind and started searching.
i thought we would be needing a basket so i took two for us.
after we got our small stuff; we wanted the two major things : A5 and A3 Sketch book.
we started walking around to find but there were so many types! and it wasn't the one we wanted.
we even counted the pages cos the req. was min 40 sheets. we literally squatted there and count. LOL.
Nisa's laughter like really super cuteeeee!!!

we then came to a conclusion that they didn't have so we decided to go CWP Popular.
it was so epic when the woman at the counter jokingly gave a shocking face cos we both took baskets but only occupy like 1/100000 of it. HAHAHAHAHA.
and then she said " are you both looking for these?" *points behind the counter where the stocks of Sketch book all piled up but we were both too small to see it* LOLLL.

kinda lucky she told us cos she said she saw the materials that we bought are similar to what we need for Drawing. if not we would have to gone to CWP!
bought my bus concession too! *one huge burden gone*

loving my new cardi and i'll really try to do my interesting post soon. I need time!
school's starting tomorrow!!! i'm like happy and sad at the same time.

what should i wear for tomorrow? :P

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Where have I been these 3 days?

 Hello lovely readerss~ been MIA for three days. so busy! *asian accent*

Sunday was quite a tiring day as Kenneth and I had to babysit this xiao dong gua!

soooo adorable! we were playing with bubbles at our ah ma house! hehe.

Monday was a terrible one; my mood was like crazy. 

but today turned out well! 

first of all; he's coming back to SG! another 2 hours more! *squealssssss*

secondly my xiao yi called me while i was playing Sims asking me to go out! hahahahaha.
so i called Kelly along! went to Jurong Point for shopping and chit chat :D

OOTD. Last min activity = last minute casual wear.

didn't take photos cos we kept shopping and shopping!
ate at burger king and chat for like an hour or so.
waited for my mum to end work and we went home together!~

School's starting soon and i'm really excited. I'll aim to get a 3.0 GPA. like really.
let time prove you all! muahahahahaha.

Going to watch some videos or play games. update soon! 


Saturday, October 6, 2012



k i've been home. and that's it. MY LIFE IS BORING. and i can't wait for school to start.
gonna have an exciting post soon!! (maybe's it's just exciting for me :'( )

might be heading out tmr and i'll try to snap some pictures kay?
my fringe has been really ugly cos it's getting long. wanna cut my hair tmr! :(

update tuh-muh-raw kay? heez.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Crazy hair.

Hi peepooozzz. it's night night! and it's gonna rain. YAYYY!

the picture above shows my boredom in the afternoon and i need a hair cut.
but the person in charge of my hair (sounds so high class right) wasn't working today! :(

wasted my afternoon going to lot 1 just to return a library book and "cut my hair"/
so i spent the rest of the evening playing tetris and building my new sims home. LOL.
yea... this is my real life...........

but i managed to go out at night! hehe.
supposed to go bpp to meet CH and the rest but they changed to Jelapang!
chiong-ed out of house and stayed there for an hour or so?
met my colleague when taking the bus there. hahahaha!

 OOTD :)

Simple black tank ( not cloth material i'm not sure); slight longer and the back.
plus white shorts. i'm loving this outfit :O
i look so skinny in this photo i swear!!! or did i really slim down? hehehe XD

hope i'll be able to go out tmr with my qad~

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


k that's just me acting cute. i miss those times....... LOL

I AM JOBLESS. like today. and i've been in this room since morning doing nothing much.
including some crazy stuff i'm not gonna say here. only some people know. hehehe

don't ask why i'm jobless; it's stupid. like really.

lucky school's starting soon and i've got plans next week and FRI is SEM 2!

might be heading out later but my life is making my blog BORING. :(
i really need to go out and take pictures.
any suggestions on what to blog on?

WHO WANNA JIO ME OUT TMR AND FRIDAY?! without spending money. HAHA.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Prepare for SEM 2!

Hello sexy little readers. sorry for not posting yesterday as it WAS HORRIBLE. 
many crazy stuff happened and i stayed home watching ALOT of movies.
from romance to comedy to cartoon. i'm insane.

didn't work today cos i'm having headaches :(

my face complexion has been really bad and using normal webcam IS SO UGLY :(
one going-to-heal pimple on my nose and one forming at my chin area.

from this.

to soft focus. ohh i look so holy.

so yesterday was the day that i'm supposed to get my results.
and i have to change my password which i couldnt at home. 
the worst was i just needed to go there to change my password and check my results.

and there you go

I really got no captions or anything to describe my results. LOL
i'm just really excited for next sem due to some modules ^^

my class! found out that idiot is in the same class as me. LOL. it's a good yet bad thing (for him)

okay i'm so hungry. heading for dinner.


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Mummy!


Did this card by myself and fyi; the yellow "sticker" looks like those typical ones but it's not!!!
it's a card that i just cut it into a shape of it(yellow sticker) and paste double sided tape + bending. 
just a simple card but she loves it. hehehe.

nearly out the whole day. was too tired to really dress up.

 but oh well; my OOTD.
yeah it looks kinda ugly here but it's really unique when you see it in real life.
i got it at Malaysia few years ago. like during secondary 3! and i still can wear it.
it's still in such a good condition! you can wear something so simple on top and tada--- BOOM.

i very hao lian one lorh.
first it's so cheap cos from Malaysia (around SGD 8-9) still got chain here and there.
second can keep so long and third i get attention!
i know.. i know... very bhb... :3

enough of me liao lah okay? the main star is supposed to be my mum. LOL!

went to Jurong Point Safra to have Japanese food! i forgot the full name but i remember it's beside Sakura.

not too bad. kinda cheap. $30++ for all these :O

headed home to bathe and get ready for dinner. i wore the same clothes.
took a photo of mummy's presents!

from left.
Flowers,card and silicon pouch from me.
Birthday card from Daddy.
Photo frame + card from Xiao yi.
Present (under Daddy's card) + Bday card from Bro.

i'm so jealous cos her gifts are mostly pink,purple and red! heeeeesh.

headed for Swensens' @ IMM for dinner.

amazingly this steak was good. it wasn't as nice last time ;)


went to have a walk and i'm finally home!

going to eat Mooncake together cos it's also mid-autumn festival! YAYY!

see this piggy?! so kawaii right. reminds me of Nanu. only the boy can understand that word. hahaha.
chandler made it with the help of us. so cuteee! ^^

that's all guys! Finally an awesome Sunday with so many photos and updates right?!

Have an awesome day!/night.