Tuesday, November 15, 2011

hello everyone! it's the end of O's gosh. and the only thing i cant wait for is going to USA.
nothing about coming back home because i think it'll be a terrible holiday for me.

Going out with baby today ^^
didnt feel like it but i guess that's the only chance bah.
wanted him to send me home but i guess not. i'm going to fly away alr and i just wished that could happen :(

been struggling so much over this lately, my mood is like super unstable.
kinda sorry that i got angry with baby cos his pre paid low then cant msg.
i'm afraid what will happen after i come back from USA. really.

ahh gonna watch abit more of Sunny Girl, then go bathe and prepare go out lo.

i'm ellyne, i'm a strong girl! cannot give up. *smile*

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