Saturday, October 30, 2010

too lazy to blog.
tmr? :D

Friday, October 29, 2010

i played viwawa the entire day. LOL.
i leveled twice, freaking tired yeah.
nothing to update. hope my dad will return me lappy today! :(


and this is a strange topic to talk about HAHA.
strangers are very sensitive people to me. cos i go by their first impression
looks and the way they act etc.
so if you see me, smile! and i'll love you alr. LOLOL

seriously dont know what to type larh. hahahahahaha

Thursday, October 28, 2010

hello! didnt update for yesterday cos played viwawa!
did play today. leveled up again ley! HEHEHE.
school ended damn early todayl AWESOME!
morning cleaned the class, laughed as usual. jermyn is angry with me again LOL
let's hope he'll be okay next year. LOLOL
did nothing much, collected report book!
i got promoted! but results is so wth lor :(
went to hall for celebration;
it's called fate. HAHAHAHAHAH!
had an awesome time there cos i was so sleepy but sheng han was so funny.
miss him loads! LOL;

farewell to mdm heng, mr heng and mr malik? :(
i will really miss the two MR! ><

tmr no school, gonna vww whole day :D


are dreams meant to be unfulfilled? then i think i know the right answer : be a singer.
i know that's wierd but i've been singing in showers since young
and the thing is i sing songs i dont even know, like what comes out of my mouth then i sing.
thats why i always bathe so long. i'm always dreaming of singing infront of a croud.
a school or an outdoor space.
isnt that great to do that?
i've even composed songs. it's really fun to do that.
no one knows my voice, cos i think it kinda sucks.
i'm really motivated to do sth dumb. wont say it here. LOL.
oh well. now everyone knows what is my dream :P

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


my sibling's my bro. one and only bro
and only to find out that he hasn't the same blood as me~ things are still the same.
we always fought like any other typical families but always had our greatest moments.
both of us were so close, slept together, played together, danced together,cooked together, ate together, watched tv together, played wii together.
even though he's in army now and has a girlfriend, more fights are coming along and we're getting further apart.
well i just got to say that that's life and people do change. but no matter what, we're still close and never had nothing much to say.
it's really fun having a elder bro. a much elder bro. the one that helps me in everything, cooks for me sometimes, helps me doing art and nearly everything that has got to do with IT.
he's photography skills are awesome, his cooking skills are awesome. and off cos, his humor!
maybe after a few years he's gonna get married, but he'll still be my bro, forever and ever :D

Monday, October 25, 2010


the 2 people i saw when i opened my eyes for the first time.
and it's such a coincidence that my daddy birthday is today! ^^
i bought a cake for him~ strawberry light cheese cake, 16.80. and i realised i lost $10
i suspect when we were doing the brazillian shit. sighhhhhhh
my parents are just such wonderful people, even though our age gaps are big.
it's also fun to talk to them, and they always teach me in proper ways.
i'm happy and grateful that i have a wonderful family.
if my dad wasnt strict, i wouldnt be that disciplined.
but still, i'm using my lappy without him knowing ><
i know he's helping me, but confiscating it makes me feel unsafe. you know? LOL
no matter how wrong i am, i know they'll always forgive me.
and i'll always be their baby in their eyes :3

school was alright.
i'm thinking that i'm going to express next year.
but why aint i happy? ><
who knows.


nothing much to say alr. talking to joshua now. HAHA <3

Sunday, October 24, 2010


i have many crushes since i was primary 1.
some are just so dumb and funny cos everyone's acting.
some crushes led to a relationship but it ended without tears.
this time it's a huge crush, i wanna say love. but i know after awhile, i'll really forget you
and i will remember all the happy memories we had just for the 3 short months.
i will be laughing and thinking why didnt i move on?
you're the biggest crush i ever had. and it's really so strong.
i have wasted so much tears on you, did you?
i think you wouldnt, maybe you are. but i keep choosing that you wont.
cos i think you dont really bother.
i'm missing you so much and i'm always dreaming that both of us can be together again.
but i know i wouldnt accept you IF you really asked me.
i'm thinking of both sides. which really irritates me.
yesterday was the 23rd.
i was happy and strong, i didnt drop a single tear.
but today? my heart's feeling a little sour.
i dont know if i can cry, all i know is that i really want you to say
" no matter whether you promote or not, i'll love and stay with you forever"

but there's no forever, and this's just a crush. right? (:

i forgot to inform everyone that i had curly hair!
i forgot when but i twisted my hair and tied it for 4 hours.
the picture cant show it clearly :(
and what's worst? it only lasted for 5 mins

someone commented in facebook that i had to do it for 8 hours.
OH-NO! ><

but hey! i was laughing and was so happy! i'm so gonna do it again.

went to grandma house today.
kinda happy. listened to muttons cd.
eat and eat.
i dont have much time to talk about this.
cos i need off soon :(

many pics to upload BUT i cant on my lappy bluetooth.
awesome not? teehee.

tmr's post exam. bored ttm, and maybe tmr's the day to know if i'm dropping to na.



Saturday, October 23, 2010

The 30 days letter.
got t
his from regina's blog :O

Day 1 — Your Best Friend
Day 2 — Your Crush
Day 3 — Your parents
Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)
Day 5 — Your dreams
Day 6 — A stranger
Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
Day 15 — The person you miss the most
Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
Day 17 — Someone from your childhood
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 — The last person you kissed
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror

everyone knows who my best friend is,
it's even stated on the right.
but i dont really know how to define a best friend.
i would say we're close friends.
maybe my best friend is shirleen, cos we've been talking to each other for a long time.
i do miss her alot. and we have never quarelled before.
everytime we talk, there's no such thing as an awkward ending.
she's really my best friend, but not close. cos we're in diff sch :(
so maybe she's my best friend and desiree is my close friend :D

Friday, October 22, 2010

i know i've been neglecting this blog for almost a week.
been watching glee since last week. HAHA :P

left 2 more episodes or something. so i'll update more often already (:
there's no sch today cos its promotion day. sighhhhhhh -.-

watched amazing race and kevjumba got 4th place! AWESOME NOT.
he's so fucking smart. 10 STARS FOR HIM!
and his dad's so cute. LOL!!

gonna eat breakfast, watch glee finish.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

i've been watching glee everyday.
i'll try to post by this sunday yeah? :D

Sunday, October 17, 2010

love this pic. i'm really too tired to post. maybe because my mood's really bad.

Friday, October 15, 2010

i'm really so tired today. who knows why? but bye.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

too tired to post. tmr then

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

played viwawa the entire day, packed my table, went for a jog.
and sch's tmr!

Honestly, I'm scared to get too close to people. It seems that everytime I get close to someone, they always have a reason to leave later on. Maybe it's fate teaching me that life goes on, or maybe I just trust the wrong people.

gonna viwawa and read story book whole day

thats called marking day :P

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

went to lot 1 borrow books.
i think i'm gonna spend my day reading tmr. NERD TIME :D

well. there's actually nth much to say.
spammed + over dued photos.
too many. i'm sherious. HAHA

it's like 37 + 50 photos.

therefore my fb album name is OHHHHMYYYYGOOOOD.
exmas have ended. i dont feel a single thing at all :/
maybe because i know i'm gonna use the com the whole day. and i'm mentally prepared
rather than screaming like the previous ct2. LOL

art was nonsense larhs. jermyn laughed at me LOL.
nth much to update
i slept for aobout 2 hours and now i'm having stomach pain ( ahem).
there's no sch tmr! wanna go scape but looks like i only have my family.

or maybe no one.

Do you know whats hard about being too strong? Nobody might care to ask if you are hurt.

Monday, October 11, 2010

1. Where did you take your profile pic?

2. What exactly are you wearing right now?
Shirt and shorts

3. What is your current problem?
Missing someone which isnt what you all think. LOL

4. What makes you happy most?
seeing jermyn or just looking at you <3

5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Currently not listening.

6.Any celeb you would marry?

7. Name someone with the same birthday as you?
this sounds pathetic, but no. LOL! ( there's one but we lost contact )

8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?
i think so? forgot.

9. Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?

10. Do you still watch kiddie movies or kiddie TV shows?

11. Do you speak any language?
Yeah.. like what i'm typing now?

12.Do you ever watch MTV ?
yes, but only from youtube T.T

Chapter 1:

1. Nickname(s): Elizabelle or Xxia0xinX
2. Current location: My room
3. Eye color: Not sure :O

Chapter 2:
1.You call a question a chapter?: you call youself a quiz?
2.Do you get along well with your parents? fights and all but always okay :D

Chapter 3: Favorites
1. Ice cream : Choc and chip :D
2. Shampoo/conditioner: Pantene and Dove
3.Person/People: People who make me insane :D

Chapter 4: Do You...
1. Dance in the shower? yes. HAHAHAAHAH. but not really, no space -.-
2. Do you write on your hand? i'm a hardcore hand-writter. LOL
3. Call people back? yesss
4. Believe in love? hello? -.-
5. Any mental health issues? on the outside no. internally maybe. HAHA

Chapter 5: Have You..
1. Broken a bone? dont think so
2. Sprained anything? dont think so too x.x ( i'm such a spoiled brat LOLOL)
3. Had physical therapy? yes
4. Gotten stitches ? nope
5. Taken painkillers? yea

1. I love: the people who love me :D
2. I don't understand: alot of stuff. especially you
3. When I wake up in the morning: Look at my phone.
4. Life is full of: dirt and candy. cos it sucks alot like a vacuum cleaner and can be really sweet at times :D
5. I get annoyed very quickly when: People disturb me or shout at me for no reason -.-
7. Female Dogs are: example me and my dog. HAHAHAHAHAHAA
8. Cats are: scary, kittens arent :3
9. Tomorrow is: a day after today which is tuesday which is also the day before wednesday and it's my art paper. LOL
10. I have a low tolerance for: immature people or people who want attention -.-
11. If I had a million dollars I would: give my parents and bro 1/2 some to my maid. donate to whoever charity and the rest IS MINE. MUAHAHAHA (stop dreaming larh ellyne! ) LOL
i'm home, and i so tired. wanted to sleep when i reached home.
in the end came home helped bro comb eric hair. then jermyn call me skype. LOL.
talked awhile only cos play wii with bro.
i really so noob alr lor! LOL
too long never play ><
play until lunch time. ate lunch and now i'm here
i cant sleep cos i needa art. i really so lazy to do can! :(

i need to talk to someone ( maybe jermyn) then can do plus laugh together. HAHA
call him never pick up :(

today physics paper was so much better than the rest.
i hope i really can pass
always fail by 5 marks -.-
damn tired. BYEBYE

Sunday, October 10, 2010

i'm just being too excited. cos it feels like its a new year! ><
wished so many people and talk rubbish. also dono why. muahaha.

gonna have tuition soon eh. morning did art.
i just realised i need to spend more time next year on art :(
and i'm really afraid! ( says elizabelle) LOLOLOL.

and sorry if there was quite a number of typos in previous post.
i'm too lazy to change or edit it :D

gonna go lot 1 mac find mr chia for physics.
i'm scared for tmr! ><
but hey! at least i get to get out of this house? hohoho

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Why was Snow White given a poisoned apple?
 >To show us that not everyone is gonna be kind & not everyone is really who they say they are.
Why did Cinderella run away at midnight? >To remind us that everything does have its limitations, even dreams.
Why did Ariel exchange her fins for feet? >To show us that people are willing to give up anything to be with who they love & to just be happy.
Why did Aurora sleep for 100 years? >To tell us that you might have to wait for quite some time for your true love to come along, sometimes very long, but it’s worth it.
Why did Princess Jasmine fall for Aladdin? >To let us know that what the heart wants, it wants it no matter what.
Why was Belle in love with a Beast? >To remind us that you can’t really help what’s on the outside, but if the inside is beautiful, then nothing will stand in the way of your love.

mostly for you..

got it from chantel blog (:
ellyne + elizabelle :D

was bored during the afternoon while doing art.
weather was freaking hot, so i did lesser work :( if not could do more of art
and i only finished the first page. YAY!!
( Ellyne : seriously, i dont think i have the time to finish )
( Elizabelle : seriously, you actually can. just that you keep using your laptop for OTHER STUFF)

this aint split personality. LOL. i'm just random :D

well many people asked why i call myself elizabelle.
and in the first place this name doesnt suit me so well if you know me.
but if you see this....

awww. aint that cute? LMAOOOO!
as in if random ppl who dont know me and looking at this picture.
i look "cute" but in real life.
unlike elizabelle-type. get it? :P

main reason why i use elizabelle cos i loved the name Belle.
if there was any princess game or what, i would call myself Belle ><
but if i was a "teacher" i would write Ms Elizabeth Yeo. AND I HAVE PROVE! it's in my lame file.
last year i suddenly realised that my real name ELLYNE starts with an E and ends with an E too.

therefore i combined them together. ELIZABELLE.

i dont know why i'm explaining.
( elizabelle: cos i have no one to talk to in the cyber world)
(ellyne: oh shut up elizabelle! YOU HAVE FRIENDS! i dont :( )
LOL. i'm so mad. AND JOKING :D

basically i love my real name, i love it alot.
but for privacy ( which actually i dont really bother) in the cyber world, i use the name elizabelle.
and to be honest. i get compliments that elizabelle it's a nice name! LOL
but i tell them my real name too, I'M HONEST ^^

i'm doing all those "elizabelle:" and "ellyne:" thingy cos both of them have different personalities.

okay, let me do a lame testimonial of both of them. treat me like a teacher. LOL
( i'm really so bored i just keep on typing what i'm thinking. mua-heheheh)

ELLYNE is a very chor lor girl and she's a very practical person. She very protective of the people around her and can be violent when boys tease her. Ellyne may seem fierce but in her heart she really cares for the people around her. Sometimes, elizabelle may go into her soul and can be really gentle and times. Ellyne is unlike elizabelle who doesnt know how to make people happy as she isnt good with words. Ellyne only trusts herself and elizabelle.

ELIZABELLE is more of a gentle character in the cyber world. She does not bully people who are weak in games and she loves to be happy. Her trade mark : LOLOLOL. She also likes to help people and are seldom fierce but when she is, part of ellyne goes into her soul. Elizabelle loves to game, chat with people and the thing she is always willing to do is cheer people up. Elizabelle only trusts herself and ellyne.

LOL. it sounds damn freaky lorhs. MUAHAHAHA.

okay thats it alr. shall stop if not i'm really mad :P

trust no one but only myself (:
sorry i cant make the photo bigger.
i'm too lazy to go mozilla just to resize it. HAHA

well, changed pic again. this is really nice!
i never once said edited pictures were ugly LOL. edit as in change colour, no photoshop!
and this is really cool. i was just choosing how many photos i wanted and i tried out this
i love that webby, dont wanna say it out. muehehehe~

there's actually nth to update cos i'm just gonna stay home the entire day besides tuition.
my art is not done yet. hehehehehehehe.
i'm just bloody bored so decided to update. aint i good? :D

dl-ed maple but cant play it. this is freaking fail LOL
oh well. hope my bro will help me and not tell me to re-dl.
then i'm real failure. muahaha!

so yea. byebye!
and sorry if my post are all white colour cos their short posts and i wont colour it unless it's a long one :D

Friday, October 8, 2010

i'm currently on skype with jermyn and kok liang.
all my life, i've tried
to make everyone happy while i,
just hurt and hide
waiting for someone to tell me it's my turn to decide.

hello everyone. today's a better day then last night.
was horrible, but at least there's this boy that always pei me. even though he dont know how to console me. hehe <:

maths p.2 was so much easier i swear. but if i studied that 2 questions i wouldnt have wasted the how many awesome marks ><
science mcq was okay. kinda tired and slack. thats the problem when its going to be the last paper and it's a friday. BUAAH

went to buy bubble tea, waited for bus so long. sat there for a long long time~

homed and using lappy. gotta do my art tmr okay!
gonna slack the entire day. hehe

OKTO's making me and my bro laugh like shit. sore throat's gonna come back cos of all the laughter.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

hello hello hello.
geo today was horrible. all my exams this time isnt good! :(

no mood to update yea.
before i do my update and reason of my HIATUS.


my parents went to a funeral so i took the lappy
talked to my friend through webcam. suddenly my parents came home
i had no time to keep it back so i hide it in my drawer
dad didnt realise. BUT I'M STILL FUCKING SCARED.
i know it's epic cos i'm still using it -.-

and that friend of mine still disturbing me OMG LAAAA.
i'm so afraid he'll know. i'll seriously die.


okay. shant talk about my papers. all not so good except ss.
returned my dad lappy so cant update.
maybe saturday? BYE

Monday, October 4, 2010

chemistry's bad enough. so tired to post ;P

Sunday, October 3, 2010

i'm currently using my lappy lights to study.
cos now is 11pm LOL
gonna sleep at 12.30 latest

seriously, first time i staying up late FOR EXAMS?!

this year really changed me alot.
part of it is because of the people around me.
part of it is my own negative thinking.
but maybe it's better to be alone this way
i'm not that open anymore. i'm anti-social.
i keep problems to myself and i only tell them to 3 lovely people.

but sometimes, i just cry and be alone.

life's changing, i'm changing.

and oh. i may return my lappy to dad today.
and he may take leave from tmr onwards.
guess it's time not to slack and study well.
don't think i'll be updating that much but i'll try my best! <3

chemistry paper tmr. i shall pray to god every minute that i will NOT panic tmr.

HELLO EVERYONE. it's da sunday. my tuition is cancelled. heng tmr chem if not die.
studied chem in the morning. quite alright eh (:

bought muttons cd actually but forgot to show. ( sorry i'm lazy to rotate and make it smaller)
and guess what? before i listened to it i dropped it. the thing cracked. LUCKY IT WASNT THE CD. thank god!

i'm currently listening to it now. it's awesome!
quite worth it larhs hahaha.

nothing much to update alr. BYEBYE

Saturday, October 2, 2010

using the lappy now @ night. and i saw this ribena toy as a free gift.
it's meant to be a highlighter. but guess what? IT LOOKS SO WRONG LOLOL!!

quick update:
tuition was okay. copy alot of stuff only. msg msg
after that went home and went out for a short walk.
took pictures for art and saw alot of ppl flying kites!
got 2 so high up in the air! <3
took pictures and was kinda fun.

gonna post tmr or monday?
better not if not ppl STALK me eh LOL jkjk

so yea. BYE

and if i never update for long or what means my dad at home cant use lappy.