Monday, May 24, 2010

hello people! gonna have a long long post ^^
cant update on weekends yeah :(

so.................. SATURDAY.
was quite alright. morning brought eric out for a walk,
have the pics in my phone
cant put it here -.-
so take for wad. LOL
forgot wad i did in the afternoon
went tuition, everything was okay
failed my test :(
shirlyn TYCO! :D

after that went to jurong sth and eat
dinner was great, had shark fin SHOUP!
yum yum <3
had my favourite mango pudding too! ^^

drove to forum,
met xiao yi and family!
so many nice stories to share with you all
but me no time. tmr? :D
had his pictures too. but too bad. cant uploaaaaad~
went to toysRus and bought sth for chandler late bday present.
he's CUTE.!!!!!

sunday was kinda tiring day
both hands were dam painful
why? cos i played wii
too much liao LOL! boxing ftw! :D
everything was normal,
went to tp
kelly family reached lerhs. ate my fav sandwich :D
i'm so crazy over it. the cheese is lovely~
my grandma won 4D HAHAA!
got money lehhh. hehe ><

watched Aliens in the attic
kelly and kenneth were enjoying it lol
ate the walnut cake. etc etc
dinner was early
*skip skip*

/ to central to buy earring for my grandma :D
cos she dropped hers then cant find le LOL
saw the hello kitty necklace. SO NICE!!!
so it looks so wierd if i wore it. lawl~
necklaces were so nice :(
i want? Dad: get all A2 i buy. ._. :(

so........................ MONDAY,TODAY

school was damn fun larhs!!!!
did CIP, collect newspapers at HDB blocks.
i thought it was lame and dumb, but seriously. its kinda fun
but damn tired. hand already muscle pain. leg also walk here and there.
LIFT! :(
i hate lifts zzzz
having jermyn with me is fun lorhs

me and jermyn were at one house ( i was sticking with him at the start cos i didnt know wad to say LOL) ellyne FAIL.
ok, so weasked for newspapers
and the old aunty was walking with newspapers below her and some stacks next to her
so we thought we could have some,
then while she was here, jermyn said " she got newspaper if she never give me she die liao"
then i was giggling larhs. when we asked her. she shook her head. LOL!!!


finished then walk with miss kang, went mac to talk and talk
so fun lorhs. can relax and talk to teacher and mr malik
raining to everything was delayed
stuck at mac. talk talk.
walked to school
mass briefing.


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