Saturday, May 15, 2010

currently using my bro lappy to update
and i'm freaking typing so slow because his lappy so small
wadever i type is SHIT. LOL

yesterday didnt post
ended school then mum called say she took half day, ate lunch with me :O
at delifrance! :D
then talk talk lorhs. rain heavy
so we went to watsons and bought stuff. mum bought lip stick

went home sleep, blah blah etccccc
at night had fever and damn bad sore throat zz
its damn painful when i talk or laugh or swallow stuff X(
watched IP MAN 2!! HAHA
damn farking niceeeeeeee.

at night talked to mentard haha!

today going to lot 1 buy mothers day present -.-

shall post next time.


the feeling of confusion :(

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