Saturday, March 6, 2010

hey everyone, how's results? lol :P
i'm so much better, but yeah, i'm more "-.-" in school
becauseeeeeeeeeeee, i dont wanna get disturbed/bullied anymore by some PPL
u make me, i make u back the same way. fair?
but dont worry girls. i dont whack u all. LOL :P

watched finish 海派甜心!! :D
so nice lorhs! seriously better than hana kimi and the wu zhun and ella act de forgot wad tittle LOL
next maybe gonna watch next stop,happiness.
plus jermyn tell me to watch dono wad ming zhong zhi zhu wo ai ni, or sth like that lol

nowadays darling always talk to me lorhs,
saying i'm carnivorous LOL
aiya he good boy mah, herbivour LOL
plus he wanna eat more fruits cos of some lewd reasons !!!
he's such a good listener plus good motivation for me,
oh well. looks like i gotta study damn fucking hard during/after march holidays

again, gonna waste a few weeks lorhs -.-

talked to shawn every recess lol
cos he outside somewhere doing sth larhs, so i pei him and talk to him
didnt know he so matured le lorhs lol, poor him. CHEER UP!
plus i can tell him my problems also. feels great larhs (:

ok, gonna stop here and do my tuition work.
maybe gonna cut hair? :D

darling still sleeeeeeeeping, lol cya!

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