Wednesday, March 31, 2010

i'm busy
shall update tmr :D

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

i'm currently still doing engrish research

today school was okay,
dont really wanna talk much about it lol
went to darlings house
blackout LOL
darling ah..... tsktsk`

went home, damn tired

bro doing tiramisu


bye ._.

Monday, March 29, 2010

"Smell her hair. Talk to her in movie theaters. Hold her hand while you talk. Tell her she’s beautiful. Look her in the eyes when you talk to her. Tell her stupid jokes. Let her play with your hair. Just walk around with her. Look at her like she’s the only girl you see. Tickle her, even if she says stop. When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her. Let her fall asleep in your arms. Get her mad, then kiss her. Give her piggyback rides. Tease her. Let her tease you back. Kiss her forehead. When she’s sad, hang out with her. Let her take all the photos of you she wants. Kiss her in the rain. When you fall in love with her, tell her. " -Littleredd

how sweet is that? :3
finally, it's monday
i'm here updating
cos ellyne the good girl, (OMFG?) is home early :D
forgot my earpeice. going home is wierd without music LOL

last week was awesome, went to darling house like every single day
dad suspect, zz so now gonna come home lorhs
cher haven call my dad yet. SO LONG!

hmm, nth much to update too anyways
english is a bore, like my group? haiyoo lol
i'm anti-social :D
maths was alright, and i'm having better chats with weekang
and theres a fucking problem between some people

life kinda sucks without lappy
but dad didnt give me my lappy
and HEY, i studied. did my assesment?

chinese tuition gonna have exam wth ley x.x
e - dic(K) got problem. LOL!

i love darling!~

but i dreamt he broke with me
dono how to say. but its damn EW
didnt sleep the whole night lorhs, i think i dreamt the whole night o.o
so i'm gonna on radio, have a nice nap, bathe, watch tv, HWWWWW!~


Saturday, March 27, 2010

slept at 10, woke up at 9

nothing much to update, study study
and go darling house everyday
mmmm, kinda irritated with darling larhs.. x.x

dad never give me my lappy, should i ask him?

shall update less, but i'll tag :D

Friday, March 26, 2010

so long no update lerhs X)
currently at darlings house <3

bro is home!~ :D

dono wad to say, LOL
byebye (:

shall update when i'm homeeeeeeeeee,
(hope my lappy is back home! ^^)

Monday, March 22, 2010

yesterday forgot to update,
my lappy's gone lol
dad didnt take, i returned him :O
me big girl liao lorhs. LOLOL!
no larhs jkjk :D

yesterday went to tp,
brought eric out, bathe her
then bathe, lunched, went to tp lerhs
was kinda late, cos went to buy dried stuff then pray at si ma lu
reach ah ma house, watch american idol? okok larhs.
then eat popiah. was folding the papers for next week wad pray derhs
mmm, watch just for laughs and dono wad funniest videos
funny like hell LOL
then talk about girraffe leg thingy HEHE!

dinner was kinda funny,
my phone drop then everyone laugh at my reaction LOL!
plus about the chloe's chicken, and chandler crying,
ands till got what ah, forgot lerhs LOL
just laugh and eat laugh and eat,

reached home, use com awhile
talk to darling awhile,

and tada~

shall stop here,
lol gonna fb awhile more, then bathe, do my work
watch tv

darling, tmr what day huh?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

dont feel like updating
but since i get to use lappy
shall use it for all i care! HAHAHA

mm so today woke up with a big headache!
why? cos i think i fell to the floor 3 times -.-
so i knock my head lorhs. should be, ><

eat breakfast, removed my nail polish
sucks shit, all the cotton stick to my skin -.-
then did my work lorhs
did maths, kinda fun o.o

sleep, tuition
something dumb happened -.-
dont wish to say

*skip skip*

now currently talking to darling and shirlyn!

no mood type liao LOL

Friday, March 19, 2010

shall do a GREAT update, since i got the mood LOL

today spent nearly the whole time in darlings house
i'm so happy lorhs,
and he's addicted to my hug LOL! so am i :3
but the next time i go his house may be may holidays

see him play game, then i sleep
he sleep. play hamster

then he go bathe i watch hai pai tian xin
miss it so much larhs
i wanna watch the starting part again LOL
when they two fight so cute lorhs! :D

watch lerhs then take bus to lot 1
darling and his fren also, chionged home
nearly tio meh by mum ><

oh yeah! dad gave me my lappy!
but sunday i return him larhs
plus i'm so much better
just tahan for a few more years kay ellyne! :D

and i'm back to cam-whore. WTF LA LOL




Thursday, March 18, 2010

zzzz my this com cant read my SD card
so cant post pics la KNNCCB! :(

i'm thinking of asking my dad let me use lappy for friday sat and sun only
you think ppossible? haix,
i hate home nowdays
everytime i wanna come home faster is to play com
now no com i walk so slowly, dont even like the word home

yesterday went out with darling,
cos abit fever derhs, wanna vomit like tat
watched alice in wonderland
quite nice larhs,
one day never see him miss him so much lerhs :(
quite happy can see him, cos so bored at home plus he's the only one that can
make me happy!

watch finish walk walk then went home le lorhs,

maybe tmr going to darlings house?
haha, hope my SD card can read soon!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

mmm later gonna go out with darl
cant say where larhs LOL!
so shant post, tired and lazy x.x

i'm feeling better
thanks to some random people lawl

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

dad says i cant use lappy till next results get better
if u see my fb post u will know so i'm not in the mood to explain this again
plus this keyboard so loud!


thanks to those people who cheer me up even though u all are just talking to me

Monday, March 15, 2010

i'm currently using this ex com i used last time
SO FUCKING SLOW, but haix complain lesser, at least i still can use lorhs x.x
if not my whole week really will DIE

so i wasted one whole day, LOL
cos suddenly so tired
slept debt? mmmmmmm yeah maybe
morning woke up at 8.45
then darling msg me he slept at 4 am lol
so i wake up try to see if my dad got hide my lappy anywhere LOL!
cant find -.- so use this lorhs
eat breakfast
then use this slow com
lag like a piece of shit D;
oh dear i'm complaining again. haixxxxxxxxx

played wii?
maid always lose LOL!
mario cart game FTW! :D
play organ lorhs, then watch tv blah blah~

dad never come home for dinner!!! :(
MY LAPPY! only can at night use haix

so i update here then later can play fb games or wadever shit liao

shall end here (:

Sunday, March 14, 2010

wanted to post, but no mood again.
my dad still insist on taking my lappy away
so fuck it, i can only use when he's at home.
so what? like as if i would pass my next exams,
i dont pass for you
i pass for my life,
my freedom,
i pass for MYSELF
get it?
u dont sound like my DAD,
because i totally hate you for doing such stuff thinking you're right,

Saturday, March 13, 2010

dad scolded me,
while i stood there controlling my tears
so he says he's gonna take my lappy,
i hope he can at least let me use it till holidays are over.
please god, save me.
last night cry like hell, i hope i can go out with darling this week
or go to his house,

yesterday was the happiest day yet the saddest day,
happy cos me and darling had such a fun time,
sad that i was a failure to my parents.

i'm sorry
and i promise,
i'm gonna improve fucking much better for mid of year.

so will not blog so often,
plurk so often,
facebook so often,
and msn that often

important things message me,
if not i wont reply
cos msging my darling is the only thing i can do lerhs, no more msn
plus i got no mood
so dont come and disturb me by asking fucking rubbish questions

my lovely lappy + bloggy :(


Friday, March 12, 2010

hey i love this pic! HAHA :D
i look prettier o.o

today got report book. wtf
failed 4. fail dao got F9. _l_
dont wanna talk about it,

school was slacky, cos everyone had the slacky mood
after school went to bpp, change, go arcade
met wee kang ernest and yuvan lawl
see then play niahs~
then darling bro working so i went to his house! HAHA
gave darling a hot slap wth, plus he sprayed water at me :(
so fun lorhs, slept on his back, his hand LOL! my cushion <3

talked alot of crap, laughed like shit.
make me so happy. i love darling larhs,
his hand so warm LOL. plus his hand line is straight, ohmytian LOL!

chiong home, skip skip
wanna go out with darling, :D
science remedial, should i go? o.o

Thursday, March 11, 2010

yesterday cried like hell, darling and me fought, then he talked to me making me "wake up"
till i cry i couldnt stop lol,
but i called him and talk, keep making me laugh until i forgot i was sad,
dinner didnt have mood also larhs. but now i'm much better after crying so much~
tuition was bored, always nearly slept off. eyes open like fake only lol

now currently talking to darling, doing crap. i dont even have the mood to play piano lol
tmr maybe getting report book? haix, my dad will KILL ME
tmr maybe going bbp with ernest and weekang? they say wilson also wan go -.-
but i go there see niah, i go there mainly to eat my ice jelly with cocktail HAHA!
i lvoe to walk alone this few days, like the travelling time is more than the time i stay that LOL

listening to "ring ding dong" (:

i love, cry me a river, river flows in you. one is piano song.

anyone hear before ma ma ha ni - Ukiss? :D

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

i'm so lazy to post,
cos i seldom sleep early nowadays!
so tired now, plus needa to my work later at night got tuition,


Monday, March 8, 2010

hello peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepal, :D
today was quite an okay day lorhs, i love english like hell
because english teacher ROCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, :D

today morning had fever :(
pe first period somemore, hand and leg keep shivering, then my skin cold cold
so didnt do standing broad jump lol
*skip skip*

physics kinda slacky, copy copy only.
then slack slack.

english was FUN!
cos cher is funny seriously,
thats wad the cher said, ><
plus can eat somemore, then jason give me small twisties lol
yuvan was pleading for just one small one, and jason reply was " u cannot u black"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! but joking only la, :D
was learning how to do pen stuns or sth lol
one round!~ so happy lorhs, sometimes can sometimes cannot :3
yuvan also trying lol
then i showed him wad i did with my tongue then i tell him if he can do i give him $50

recess skip, shawn wasnt there o.o

ls was boring, sleep the whole way
suddenly my eyes so tired lorhs, wad reflection thing i also never do lols
listen music niahs, then ending part i woke up
kermyn go play sorry sorry and dance LOL, damn funny. mr cai laugh also. DAMN CUTEEE.
then ring ding dong also lol, kermyn dance seriously brightens up my day :D
played one round of tap tap revenge with ernest, poker face. NICE LEH
but me noob lorrrrrrrrrrrrrr

maths was okay, tired me. did the coordinate geometry thingy with the asses book
quite tiring, but I DID IT! :D

went home change bathe eat, went bbp
see wee kang, then i walk walk myself
it's my fav lorhs

walk around, then took bus went home

haven do my tuition hw which is starting in 3 hours time -.-
currently talking to my darling, <3

last night talk to him so long lorhs, lol plus he had to whisper
HAHA, he whispered " wo ai ni" and the sound was so great,
i love the way he sings to me to cheer me up best :D

i love you, (:

Sunday, March 7, 2010

hey peeps!
last night slept at 2, wahaha!

woke up at 9 T.T
tired like hell, but oh well. have to eat breakfast HAHA!
went to eat, saw dads friend, he sit with us lorhs
i eat finish le then walk home myself cos they wan talk mahs
chiong home, did my maths :D
finally i did my hw. ><

played com like hell,
talked to daniel and darling,
he woke up earlier sey HAHA
but today he like so neutral, ._.

my msn FAIL,
so i'm using ebuddy _I_
tmr daniel meeting me outside my house to do lorhs,
and can shun bian bring erica go out! :D

play wii play com play wii play com sleep

seriously, madness
i'm so freaking tired just cycling for half hour
OMGF? i needa exercise more!!!!! :(
and now my leg's terrible,horrible,weggitable LOL!
saw nadzirah :D

talked to the person i hate, revenge time? lol
see first. :D


so i'll blog on TEWSDAY!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

hey everyone, how's results? lol :P
i'm so much better, but yeah, i'm more "-.-" in school
becauseeeeeeeeeeee, i dont wanna get disturbed/bullied anymore by some PPL
u make me, i make u back the same way. fair?
but dont worry girls. i dont whack u all. LOL :P

watched finish 海派甜心!! :D
so nice lorhs! seriously better than hana kimi and the wu zhun and ella act de forgot wad tittle LOL
next maybe gonna watch next stop,happiness.
plus jermyn tell me to watch dono wad ming zhong zhi zhu wo ai ni, or sth like that lol

nowadays darling always talk to me lorhs,
saying i'm carnivorous LOL
aiya he good boy mah, herbivour LOL
plus he wanna eat more fruits cos of some lewd reasons !!!
he's such a good listener plus good motivation for me,
oh well. looks like i gotta study damn fucking hard during/after march holidays

again, gonna waste a few weeks lorhs -.-

talked to shawn every recess lol
cos he outside somewhere doing sth larhs, so i pei him and talk to him
didnt know he so matured le lorhs lol, poor him. CHEER UP!
plus i can tell him my problems also. feels great larhs (:

ok, gonna stop here and do my tuition work.
maybe gonna cut hair? :D

darling still sleeeeeeeeping, lol cya!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

nowadays always fight with darl,
if not common test plus results
fight with darl = everyday cry
school also cried once,
geography got 9/30
so nice rite
maths pass by half mark
physics fail by 5 marks
chinese 33/100

wad else?
next year gonna get retained

i'm gonna start being someone else,
mmm. like last time?
the previous ellyne (: