Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Thank you.

Hello allz.

Today has been such an emotional journey. I didn't make it for something important today and I'm still feeling quite bad. But today's post isn't about this, actually I also don't know what is this post going to be about lol.

Most of the people around me know that I've been busy for an upcoming project (which I'll definitely give free publicity here haha) and I've been neglecting many things around me. The process was so tough at so many points where I just had to keep my emotions to myself telling myself never to say that I'll give up.

I've complained to dozens of people about this and that and I thought I was really bitchy but only up till today did I realize that no matter how many complains I make, I still appreciate every single one who's been there for me as a team.

People come and go but I still moved on and pushed it further no matter what, and I'm really grateful for all the people who have been there making me laugh through these tough and difficult times. All the late nights sleeping and energy used are definitely worth it.

Learning more about myself has been the main point throughout this project. I thought I knew everything about myself, but I never thought I could never make something so successful. & it's all thanks to my advisors, team mates and Hubz.

I wish my parents knew the amount of weight load, responsibility, hard-work and maturity I had and wish that they could be proud of. I never knew a little girl like me could do something so big.

Of course all thanks to myself, I've been really stressed and forgetting to take care of my health (something I totally neglected). Therefore I had a major concussion for 12 hours in bed. I'll definitely try to hang on till the actual project.

Kay this is too long for a random post hahaha. Just wanna thank everyone who's been here throughout, you know who you are :) All the encouragement and support has made me feel more important in a world so huge, thank you.


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