Saturday, October 26, 2013

Papa & Mama Yeo's Birthday ^^

Here's a picture of me before you guys forget how I look after this post. But I'm no more the girl with bangs, hohoho. This post is 1 month late. Yea.....

It was Mama Yeo's Birthday last Sept. BUT, I have Papa Yeo's Birthday post here as well if not you'll have no wait for two months lol jks.

Mama Yeo

We had an early celebration during the weekends with our relatives :)

While waiting for everyone to be free, here's kellyne hehehe.

The cake was so yumsssss. I still can remember how it tastes like ._.

What Papa Yeo, Brother, Aunt and I got for her all together! :) 
ahem mine's the purple card. I'm jelly comparing it to my bro's... >.>

Papa Yeo

It was a mini celebration and was during a Friday (25th Oct) so there's only 2 photos ._. LOL. I hope Papa Yeo is happy as my mum took leave to have a whole day celebration muahaha. Even got to watch Escape Plan wth I also want movie buddy.

Idk why my Brother's face cracks me up. He looks really angry but he's just posing and irritated HAHAHA

Here's a lovely card I did for daddy hehe. Anyone can understand what I'm trying to say? My Brother could but I don't know if my daddy did lolol.


Shall try to blog tomorrow and be loyal in this space during the weekends, thinking of M5O to come back. What do you allll thinkkk? (If you don't know what's that it's at the side bar hahaha)

E says byebye!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

School is back.

All prepped up to sleep for tomorrow but here I am finally blogging! :) School started on Monday and it has been prettttyyyy stable I guess? Class starts at 8am tomorrow and I need to hibernate badly...
Been really happy with time management so far but suddenly stress starts coming in, however still really blessed to have the same few people around me ^^


Credits and thanks to Riduan for the Cotton On skirt. Even though he won't be reading but I iz happy I haz discount muahahaha.
Lesson was pretty boring on Monday but fun due to old and funny classmates.

Here's Zeeman, Candy and I. Dennis being the anti-camera guy (as usual) with checkered shirt on my right lolol. & some unknown girl :x


Finally decided to use old hair props because I suddenly had an idea on how to use it properly lolol. Hubz was shocked to see me in a head band and it made me realized how long I didn't spend time on my hair anymore hahaha.

My bobby pin failed.

Gonna be pretty busy for the next two days, till then ^^
E says byebye!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

I have a thing.

School starts tomorrow... YAYYYY! okay I'm not that happy about the modules but I'm just happy that I'll have money and my body clock wouldn't be ruined. Oh and I get to eat, eat and eat.
I'm also as nerdy by packing my bag for tomorrow, which is actually just my laptop. I very kiasu lah ok.

Also, I started packing my table. This feels like when we're in primary or secondary and your mum asks you to pack and get ready for the first day of school. Or is it just me =x
and I'm feeling sooooooooo happy after packing now. 

I have a thing

for boxes, period.

I don't know since when it happened, but I just love LOVE having/keeping/buying/taking/stealing boxes. and I use them to sort and keep/place my stuff.

and and when I go to Daiso, THE BOX SECTIONS ARE THE BEST!!!! Someone tell me I'm not crazy.

Everyone has a thing too, right.......?

E says byebye!

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Hi. So here's my current favourite photo of me looking and being happy. But I lost happiness.

My project has finally ended but I still don't have effects of accomplishment, maybe because I've been too tired since last night. I've been taking naps and snoozes for my entire Saturday.
Will definitely blog about it soon, but right now I'm thinking of expectations.

I used to have loads of expectations of many people but then I realized that high expectations = high disappointment. maybe that's why my results dropped O.O
right now, I always try my best to not set any or low ones, life's been good. (& so much happier)

But sometimes, some things feels like in-born. When you have an expectation like "When I grow up, I must have my own study room" or something. It's something or a dream since young that you won't want to change.... do you have those "expectations"?

To me, expectations are normally due to the people around you as you grow old. Our upbringing defines who we are, how we behave and what we want now and in the future. It's something like being judgmental due to your upbringing, no?

& sometimes, it just hurts so much when you meet someone so precious but makes you feel so evil at the same time. Due to "expectations", I lost happiness.

Does it ever happen to you? When you just feel like you're such a villain because of your upbringing. There's no one to blame, but only to blame yourself for meeting that one person. and how that one person affects the expectations that you have and believe in since young.

Sighpie I guess no one even understands really what I'm saying, neither do I LOL. But if you understand, share with me so I won't feel so lonely, please? :)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

2nd Monthsary!

Recalling from the past, the last time I went to somewhere peaceful would be with my Dad. I never got a chance to feel nature and peace after. But my second Dad brought me somewhere I totally didn't know about.

Oh. my second Dad is Hubz. HAHAH.

It was our 2nd Monthsary! Not a big celebration but definitely an eye opener. ^^
Sungei Buloh, my current lovely favourite place. I had to take another photo because it's too perfect.

Funny fishes jumping funnily making me laugh.

Omg I think this wasn't taken by me it's too nice. (Hubby trying to take over my blogging hobby hehehe)

Ah why does he look so cute.... ._.

Irritating hubby is irritating HAHAHA.

First try,


HAHAHA, too funny loving this picture ^^

Tell me if you get how wrong this poster is.....


Can't believe Hubz and I have been together for 2 months. It feels like many years... not that I'm bored of it HAHAHA.
Really have chunks of things to blog about but I've been really busy because my project's gonna happen tomorrow! I'm really excited and hope I'm much better (unstable migraines forever). See you guys very soon ^^

E says byebye!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Thank you.

Hello allz.

Today has been such an emotional journey. I didn't make it for something important today and I'm still feeling quite bad. But today's post isn't about this, actually I also don't know what is this post going to be about lol.

Most of the people around me know that I've been busy for an upcoming project (which I'll definitely give free publicity here haha) and I've been neglecting many things around me. The process was so tough at so many points where I just had to keep my emotions to myself telling myself never to say that I'll give up.

I've complained to dozens of people about this and that and I thought I was really bitchy but only up till today did I realize that no matter how many complains I make, I still appreciate every single one who's been there for me as a team.

People come and go but I still moved on and pushed it further no matter what, and I'm really grateful for all the people who have been there making me laugh through these tough and difficult times. All the late nights sleeping and energy used are definitely worth it.

Learning more about myself has been the main point throughout this project. I thought I knew everything about myself, but I never thought I could never make something so successful. & it's all thanks to my advisors, team mates and Hubz.

I wish my parents knew the amount of weight load, responsibility, hard-work and maturity I had and wish that they could be proud of. I never knew a little girl like me could do something so big.

Of course all thanks to myself, I've been really stressed and forgetting to take care of my health (something I totally neglected). Therefore I had a major concussion for 12 hours in bed. I'll definitely try to hang on till the actual project.

Kay this is too long for a random post hahaha. Just wanna thank everyone who's been here throughout, you know who you are :) All the encouragement and support has made me feel more important in a world so huge, thank you.


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Family weekends.

HiHi! Sorry life's been pretty busy and messed up, also been unwell and sick these few days I didn't have the mood to blog at all :<
It's finally Octoberrrrrrr!~ Time flies so fast I still remember the amount of tears I shed during January and I've gone through so much shit in my life this year.

But anyways! Life has been pretty good now, gonna head out to grandma's house later. Here's some pictures I took during the past weekends, (because I'm too lazy to do a legit post).

Here's Chandler crying because he didn't wanna have dinner, and I got bored.

We also had a farewell dinner for Justina (last month) at Crystal Jade and Chandler was there too! :)

Kelly and I look so alike sometimes it's creepy, and I think we both miss our old hair now looking at this LOL. We both had hair cuts around the same time. females.

Shall try to blog real soon! Next week's gonna be another busy week.
Don't leave me aloneee hereeee.

E says byebye!