Thursday, August 15, 2013


Bello and Good Morning! It's 10 in the morning and I'm too bored having lessons. I'm sorry I didn't blog again during the weekends..... I actually forgot what I did oh mo.

My daily life has been too busy and I haven't had the time to catch up with many people, so I decided to update something too important in my life through blogging!

He's called Hubz.

Okay just joking, many of you should know him. I call him Hubz HAHAHA.
and it all started from this.............

Even before we got together, so many crazy and funny things happened. Like water splashing as shown above. I got entirely drenched just because I was drinking water and he tickled me.
I am that insane.

We haz cute matching caps.
Please don't ask me about my faces when taking photos with him, it's too awesome. Thank you.

Everything seems like it's living in fast forward but despite all the downs I'm having right now, I'm happy to have this mini rainbow in my life.

I love you Hubz ^^
E says byebye!


CandyAng said...

Oh my gosh!!! ELLYNE!!! AHHHH!!!! Am so happy for you!^-^ Now then announced!=( Hahahahas anyway share with me more lols, catch up soon and and please last long! =DD

Boy, please take good care of ELLYNE!=)

Unknown said...

Awww hehehe. We've been together not long only! So I didn't really tell others. Heheh thank you ^^

CandyAng said...

Oh icic share with me more uhh.>< Lols. Welcome! Jiayou in UT3!^.^