Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hair For Hope 2013.

Happy Sunday everyone! How's today been? Mine has been awesome.
Today's update is way back to July.... I'm sorry if my posts are gonna be so so outdated.

So July has been a long awaited month for us SLC people, because it's HAIR FOR HOPE 2013!
It was an enjoyable event and I saw many brave people hehe.

Look at the crazy crowd even before the event started!

With our dear Ah Ping as the emcee and Sherney giving some speeeech (?)

I forgot the people who helped with the shaving but thank you all ^^

& it's starting soon OMGOMG.
I swear I was so excited for all my friends!

I'm definitely most proud of Sherney. She's our current President of SLC.
How is she so brave to shave her hair :(

Look at her smile before shaving :O
I can't even....

Look at everyone's expressions HAHAHAH


Harith! (did I get that spelling right)
How come they all look so happy?!

My Hubz..... LOL.
He's gonna kill me posting this up.


& the shaving STARTS

Jen Hong!!


We're all proud of you Sherney! ^^

With Shakun!

Ended the event with celebrating Sherney's actual birthday and early Jia Tai birthday!

So that's all for Hair For Hope 2013!
I'm so proud of those who shaved for the first time and also to those who have done it more than once.

Give me one year to think about it..... hehehe...
E says byebye!

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