Friday, August 23, 2013

Weekend Movies.

Hello hello! How's Friday been? It's been too crazy for me. I've broken down too many times in few days due to so many issues. But blogging is blogging, I miss this place as always :)
It's currently the first break of my lessons and I'm at somewhere peaceful. It's beautiful here! I guess most RP students would know where it is. heh.

About few weeks ago, I had the craziest weekends hanging out with my cousins. We watched The Wolverine and Despicable Me 2! It was awesome hanging out with them again, but there are too many pictures of me lolol.

I really love myself lah okay.

It was a pretty cooling Saturday so I decided to get all boyish :B

It was the day I finally got a pair of shades. I IZ HAPPY GIRL.
Thankz ew gor gor.

Another one, lol ilovemyselfverymuch.

That's all for Saturday... LOL. I didn't take any photos with them cos it was just a movie session and then we headed home.

Sunday was YELLOW DAY! Got the feel for Despicable Me 2 minions no? It was hell load of late watching but the movie was pretty good!  

My eye bags were craay :(

With da bro.
He said " Eh walau can see my fats, take one more"

Okay okay lah better anot? :P

With Le Pigz! 
We didn't even get popcorn (i think) because we were so sick of it due to Saturday's movie LOL.

So after the movie, we decided to do the usual thing.....

We took neoprints too! I'm so happy yay ^^

After looking at this photo I realized that it's tough to find the 4 players cos they camouflage together with the table lololol.

More of me lol.

& the best one of all.

E says byebye!

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