Monday, September 7, 2009


yesterday i was so called baby sitting? lols

k lets start from MORNING!
woke up and had to prepare and pray to grandmother o.o
then go there got my guitar!!!!!!!!! :DDD
then all my cuz didnt come LOL.
so i was all alone. aww
msged eddy abit then went to eat lunch (:
chicken rice there sux larhhs. only the corn hao chi. LOL

then we went to xiao yi's house and chat chat.
then chloe woke up hoho.
then play with her abit abit
then we wanna go lerhs mahs.
my aunt wanna stay at home then chloe didnt want then cry at the lift door. LOL
so bo pian my aunt put her with me lorhs T.T

went toa payoh then put chloe to sleep WOOHOO.
slept for 1 and a half hours hhahahaa
and she was such a good girl okay!
cos she sleep so not grumpy hoho
and its true tat all kids are better when their mum is not around T.T
including me can?! :X

then they play mahjong we watched ice age 3!!!
SO FUNNY LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by then we watch finis chloe woke up
and we went playground!
juliana had to follow us like some bitch can?
stupid -.-

we play play then wanted to buy ice cream!!!
in the end cant T.T
why cos we had to eat dinner and go back now
we just reached there not long ago LOL
so play abit lorhs
then we went home hahas!

ate dinner had a hard time feeding chloe.
cos the damn vege cant be cut LOL
and she had her games blah blah lorhs.
she eat finish okay!!!
to prove i am a good babysitter can! :D lols x.x

went home then online awhile lorhs.
play play my guitar then sleeeeeeeeeeep

then today is HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

will be postin later again (:

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