Monday, May 26, 2014

Guess who's back? Back again.

I'm trying to think of the best way to welcome myself back here after MONTHS OF HIATUS. & what better way to show the most recent photo of me through a webcam above hehehe.

These few months have been so crazy and life has been too hectic till I totally lose my blogging fantasy. So many outdated things to blog and I guess I have to slowly blog about it one by one.
PS: All the stuff are really old all the way back to Christmas, my birthday, Chinese New Year & stuff so if you're gonna get bored, wait till I get back into track with blogging x)

Since it's just my first post & I'M SICK (really crazily with fever and pierced through needles sore throat) I'm just gonna be updating about stuff people have been BURNING to know. oh! & I'm trying to "re-open" my so ask me anything there will ya ^^


Yes I'm currently using a Samsung S4 since January & it's been great so far! I know I did a post on why I didn't want to have a smart phone but hello now I have my own reasons why I need one. (basically because everyone's killing me that I have no Whatsapp T.T)


One reason why I'm in love with a smart phone! Instagram has been my substitute blog because I post nearly everything that happens in my life. Do follow me okie ^^
& sorry if I'm not making it open (unprivate) because people have been stalking/backstabbing me crazily and using my instagram as a stalking device sooo...

3. I'M OFFICIALLY DEFERRED FROM SCHOOL. (not that I'm proud of it but people have been questioning)

Many people have been questioning why I haven't been to school and why I've always been home & stuff. Yes I'm facing some problems and I'm deferring for a semester (it's a long process to explain so not today!) I'm currently working & spending my free days just trying to moooove on from everything.


No I'm not going to tell you all the reasons why but I'm just not talking to anyone at home so please stop asking or telling me about them unless you really want to know what happened you can contact me but maybe I won't even tell LOL.

I FINALLY BROKE UP. (LOL Just kidding not finally but yes I'm really single)

Many people would have already known this and YES! I'm single. & for those who have been DYING to know why / the reason why / what happened blah blah. I'M NOT TELLING ANYONE.
Honestly, even my best and closest of friends do not even know so please just stop questioning or gossiping because I'm not ready to open up or anything. if you REALLY REALLY want to know just ask me straightforward but maybe I won't even tell LOL. (duh I won't tell did you get the joke)

I was about to end this post but I forgot one more thing.........


No I don't drink caffeine drinks especially coffee so I mostly order chocolate, green tea or caramel but all without caffeine. I was so afraid of ordering my first drink requesting no caffeine that I told them 3 times LOL. I will die with coffee okay?!

I didn't like Starbucks since young because all along I thought they'd only sell coffee drinks which stinks because when my brother orders them (coffee drinks) I always tell myself to try and see when I can learn embrace them but hell no coffee..... I just can't...

Now that I'm out of my cave LOL, I'm loving it so much. Like as if it's my hobby to try out the different drinks available but at the same time drain my pocket. But I officially claim this as my soul-mate <3 p="">

Also, I even have a folder where I keep track all my Starbucks drinks because I really wanna try the different kinds of drinks I can (without caffeine). So please do tell me what are your favorite & I can try them too! ^^

Alright that's all for today! Stay tuned for more outdated stuff & I'll try to blend in my current things as well.
I miss you readers and if you're kind enough leave comments or share around my blog cuz I really need all your support to continue blogging <3 p="">

e says bye!

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