Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Ariana Grande selfie, DAYRE!

How you like my Ariana Grande hair? 

Image from Google

Got lah got look like right? *delusional praise* Cuz imma look like her even more really soon...

Now you get the feel?! HAHAH. If you haven't seen this photo; I'm thinking of dying my hair! & I met up with Amos a week ago and he helped me edit it yay yay I look so ah lian but smexy even my girlfriend went ape-shit when she saw this.

I'm also starting to like Ariana Grande........... WHICH IS LATE I KNOW. But you know I didn't really like her voice (till now sometimes it still urks me) and she's sooooo skinny which I know might not be her fault. you get my point lah.
& then there's this Youtuber I've been stalking watching everyday: mirandasings08 whom also has a vlog channel called PsychoSoprano; and she knows Ariana Grande! At first I wasn't even keen to watch those vlogs with Ariana in it but then one night I went meh and I can say she is one sweet girl.

but sometimes she still makes me cringe, you know? No? ok.

ANYWAY. Today was so great and I wasn't late YES. But! Firstly, silly me decided to wear my long sleeved shirt from yesterday & it was SCORCHING HOT this morning I perspired like mad. and then realizing I forgot my rubber bands (hair tie) which I hate because I have to use those red ones that hurt so bad.
& I swear I really have anger management problems (PEE-AM-ASS) I started cussing in my head so I immediately went to my DAYRE for a short post.


I finally have DAYRE! I really don't know how to balance both but whatever FOLLOW ME! & honestly for people who want to blog but are lazy you can just download this through your phones and update whenever you want. So simple to use & on the go.
So on the go that I used it to rant my bad and angry morning hehehe.
check out my dayre ok!

Moving on, I was super early today so I got crazy and decided to drop by the 7-11 at Bugis Street to search for hair ties but she said they don't sell them. I was cursing in my mind how can 7-11 not sell hair ties WHY. So I got really crazy because I really really wanted my hair ties and decided to WALK INTO BUGIS STREET to search for them.

& I spent like 5-10 minutes walking deeper and deeper in cuz all were clothes but YES I FINALLY GOT THEM BABIES.

Three for $1 only & I used the grey one today it's not too bad you know. THANK YOU HAIR SHOP YOU SAVED MY LIFE. I also had enough time to buy something for chef wahahahaa.

This was lunch for today! No pasta because chef says "today so tiring" cook nicer food for us HAHAHA and he lied to me that that wasn't bitter gourd he said it was something sweet like wtf hell no when I ate it I felt bitter. (so punny ahaha.... aha).
I honestly have not eaten more than few slices of bitter gourd in my life but this time I had to T.T but okay lah the sauce was so awesome looking at this makes me hungry already x)

I just realized today's post super long LOL. Ending it with another Ariana Grande selfie HAHAH ok stahp.

e says bye!

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