Sunday, November 3, 2013


Blogging streak still going on and I'm happy muahahaha. But no I'm sad, Sunday has been BORING
You may ask, "Boring then why don't blog?", boring until don't wish to blog can lololol.

Everyone's been pretty busy (family) therefore my Sunday has been spent doing nothing. However few weekends ago it was a fun one! and I shall blog about fun things and not bore you guys. Weekend-ception babeh.

We headed to a new place at Toa Payoh, it tastes and feels exactly like Sizzler. I'm too lazy to explain just google okay HAHAHA.

This was the first thing I saw in the menu, no kidding okay we laughed for quite awhile and couldn't think of what to eat LOLOL.

Here's le Kelly after taking the picture "Pussy Foot" above to insta it HAHAHA.

When I haz bangbangz.

I had salad cravings that weekend and I was soooooooooooooo happy! The soup....... yumz ^^

Oh gosh I miss this. ARE YOU HUNGRY.



I always always can't wait for Mondays because of my classmates hehehe, shall blog tomorrow tata.
E says byebye!


CandyAng said...

Yo yo yo!^.^ I like kelly's phone cover my gosh ORANGE!!^.^ I still like ORANGE colour though besides being so BLUE in colour for everything of mine.>< Anw YES MONDAY'S CLASS THE BEST!!!^0^ All the laughter!XD

Unknown said...

Hahahaha! yea! can't wait for tomorrow, cya :D :D