Saturday, November 30, 2013

Boring and worst Saturdays.

LATE POST: I think I typed this last Saturday night but it became a draft and it's half done only hahaha.

I'm seriously neglecting this blog too much.. sigh...
Lemme show you my face in case you forget how I look right now :(

I have assignments to do (which is over for the mean time), spending time with le boyfriend and actually I also don't remember what I do I just know I didn't have the time / mood / energy to blog O.O
& it's the worst Saturday ever because I just did something terrible......


cos I'm emo and shit and slitting the wrist is too mainstream HAHAH.
just joking I had a minor surgery with my gums.

Apparently we have first, second and wisdom molar. I just had my second! I wouldn't have a wisdom as my mouth is too small and there's no space for my teeth to grow.
& according to my dentist, the second molar was supposed to grow at age 12 or 16? I forgot lol. but still wtf I'm 18 HELLO?!

and my gums did hurt (plus infection) as half of the teeth grew only so I had to cut away my gums literally :< She really used some sharp ass thing to just cut like how you use a penknife to cut paper. But no worries got anesthetic lah huehue.

So right now one week later I'm finally fully recovered. As said in my previous blog post it was the worst 1 week ever without rice or legit happy meals. I think the only happiest meal was when I got to eat porridge and nice food because Hubz cut them for me and his maid's cooking is superb :( I miss my old maid boohoo.



I have been crazily procrastinating on many things and this Saturday isn't really a good one either. However I have to learn to separate sadness and my blog because I have WAYYYYYYYY too many outdated stuff to update which I really want to share with everyone.

THIS, this is the last resort where I have the motivation to do things at home. I'm only done with the first two cos their obviously more appealing than the rest heh.

Oh and I recently was too crazy and went reading up RP Confessions. I must say some really made me laugh, LOL.

"Yew Tee is probably his cousin or something" HAHAHA I cannot tank lor really please.

Okay lah this one not very funny now but idk why at that point of time I got laugh.

"I think u must press harder till button sink inside" AHAHAHAHA I CANT EVEN.


Okayyyy enough of random thoughts it's already 9! Time to start finishing whatever I'm supposed to do :)
Sorry if this is the third boring wordy post in my blog sighpie.

Will blog tomorrow okay ^^
E says byebye!

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