Thursday, November 14, 2013


Why hello people *blows dust off*, my blogging streak has been lost after three days. I fail so badly hahaha did you guys miss me O.O

Warning:  This post is full of rants + sadness + emo nonsense and completely wordy so please stop here if you have no time fo dat HAHAHA.

The past two weeks have been so emotional and nearly every factor in my life now is so-not-awesome (okay that english structure is really bad but i'm too lazy to re-think + re-type),

  • School (Specifically A module)
  • Family
  • Health
  • Relationship
  • IG (CCA)


I guess those who have been close to me know that I've been wanting to drop a module but failed to do so. It's a really long story but to cut it short, I regretted choosing the module and that dropping it isn't a choice either.
I officially hate Thursdays and I get overly-emotional so pardon me or like just leave me alone unless you can tank my mood swings hahahaa (just joking I'll try to be me as always)

Because of this situation and stress I even broke down in class (gosh this is so stupid) and even had to talk to Faci, Programme Chairs and all the important people above just to settle my situation. I can't believe I cried and teared like 10 times or more on just ONE Thursday. It was such a mess :(


Due to the stress above, I'm more cranky, angst and quiet and just soooooo toned down from all the craziness and laughter I used to have. I guess it made me distance from everyone at home and all I do now at home is to eat, bathe, talk to my dog, use my laptop and sleep. Feels like a motel huh.

I'm not sure why also but I've been sick frequently with fever, headache, migraines and today I have Constipation. LIKE REALLY. Pooping was such a pleasant thing for me now it's gone hahahaha too much information I'm crazy...

Because I've been heading to the doctor frequently my Mum started blaming on my eating/sleeping/whatever-excuses-they-can-come-up-with habits and yeah we quarreled. So now I officially talk so much lesser at home.


Things have been crazy and super unstable ever since our third month........ :/ So much quarrels and I know guess it's mainly because of the stress and insecurities I'm having plus all the other factors. oh and also the girl problem uh huh yeah me = hell.

So hubby if you're seeing this, I hope you forgive me :( Thank you for trying to always make things work and being the best you could be. Give me and us some time to ward all the stress away and lead life peacefully again :)

I love you hubz!


I've procrastinated a lot on this and things have finally been settled. There were many responsibilities I had to settle with and I'm glad it's kind of over..? I guess it's one thing that's not in my stress list anymore hahaha.

Okay I'm done with ranting. Sorry for those I've neglected with updating, I hope you all know about my life right now LOL.
I'll try to blog reaaaaaaaaaaaally soon when I'm much better (in terms of everything urgh), please don't leave me ^^

E says byebye!


CandyAng said...

Hello Ellyne, my gosh I almost teared reading this post, really understand how you feel because this sem have been stressful even till now for me, whats more like what you said unstable mood, always break down easily and all, its just so crap.

But then again what I wanna say is that "LETS JIAYOU TOGETHER! WE CAN PULL THROUGH & GET A HANG OF OURSELVES ONCE AGAIN! I believe we can!"

Just wanna remind you again that I am very THANKFUL for our FRIENDSHIP!=)

Loves <3

Unknown said...

Hahaha yea this sem really too fast and stress le. but no worries we'll all pull through it hehe.

See you on Monday! ^^