Saturday, November 30, 2013

Boring and worst Saturdays.

LATE POST: I think I typed this last Saturday night but it became a draft and it's half done only hahaha.

I'm seriously neglecting this blog too much.. sigh...
Lemme show you my face in case you forget how I look right now :(

I have assignments to do (which is over for the mean time), spending time with le boyfriend and actually I also don't remember what I do I just know I didn't have the time / mood / energy to blog O.O
& it's the worst Saturday ever because I just did something terrible......


cos I'm emo and shit and slitting the wrist is too mainstream HAHAH.
just joking I had a minor surgery with my gums.

Apparently we have first, second and wisdom molar. I just had my second! I wouldn't have a wisdom as my mouth is too small and there's no space for my teeth to grow.
& according to my dentist, the second molar was supposed to grow at age 12 or 16? I forgot lol. but still wtf I'm 18 HELLO?!

and my gums did hurt (plus infection) as half of the teeth grew only so I had to cut away my gums literally :< She really used some sharp ass thing to just cut like how you use a penknife to cut paper. But no worries got anesthetic lah huehue.

So right now one week later I'm finally fully recovered. As said in my previous blog post it was the worst 1 week ever without rice or legit happy meals. I think the only happiest meal was when I got to eat porridge and nice food because Hubz cut them for me and his maid's cooking is superb :( I miss my old maid boohoo.



I have been crazily procrastinating on many things and this Saturday isn't really a good one either. However I have to learn to separate sadness and my blog because I have WAYYYYYYYY too many outdated stuff to update which I really want to share with everyone.

THIS, this is the last resort where I have the motivation to do things at home. I'm only done with the first two cos their obviously more appealing than the rest heh.

Oh and I recently was too crazy and went reading up RP Confessions. I must say some really made me laugh, LOL.

"Yew Tee is probably his cousin or something" HAHAHA I cannot tank lor really please.

Okay lah this one not very funny now but idk why at that point of time I got laugh.

"I think u must press harder till button sink inside" AHAHAHAHA I CANT EVEN.


Okayyyy enough of random thoughts it's already 9! Time to start finishing whatever I'm supposed to do :)
Sorry if this is the third boring wordy post in my blog sighpie.

Will blog tomorrow okay ^^
E says byebye!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thank you Tuesday.

I have been way too emotional lately and I swear I'm neglecting this blog so much. When I'm free all I do is stone or watch videos. I just choose not to blog. I'm so sorry guyzzz. :[

Things have been rough and school has been really stressful. I don't know why but I've been so angst about school and I get really stressed easily. Therefore not enough sleep and getting stupid mini sicknesses. My legs were so sore last night and this morning was crazyy. Sigh pie I'm so unproductive.

Hubz and I have been super unstable as well, and I've been so crazy every day. Which makes me even more unproductive just stoning somewhere trying to settle stuff. It's just so hard to put problems aside sometimes and move on with life. Agree or not ._.

I also did a minor gum surgery last Saturday and it hurts like shiet. I have been on soft diet since Saturday and I swear I feel myself losing weight. I can even recall what I've eaten because it's either soft noodles, porridge or soft noodles, oh and porridge. Yeah.... & it really sucks because eating has been one of the many things that keep me happy and I didn't know that I would be on soft diet for so long. It has been such an emotional 4 days of not wanting to eat at all. (because it's either soft noodles or porridge or just water).

Many factors made me self-esteem really low and I take many jokes literally. So it's like when someone says I'm useless I really take it to heart O.O. So yeahh.... I'm really unstable. It's like one day I can be happy and even the next hour I can just sit there stoning. I'm scary as hell yes.

This post was supposed to be a dedication to my Hubz but yea I'm ranting all over again hahaha what's new ><

So yea Hubz if you're reading this, thank you for the time and care especially during this period of time. I haven't been eating well lately and you've been so patient trying to think of what food I should eat and giving me massages. He even helped me cut my food today at his house and I teared like multiple times while eating because I'm just so touched. & even the old jokes we used to laugh weren't funny to me anymore so he had to come up with new stuff to keep me smiling. Ahh I'm really grateful.

I know I've been feeling really neglected but I guess I have to learn how to embrace the good more instead of the bad. and I'm grateful that Hubz is trying too... :)

ALRIGHT. It's gonna be 12. Time to get freshened up and get ready for tomorrow. I'll try to live, and live to try. (don't ask me the meaning of it it's a very long explanation hahaha)

E says byebye!

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Why hello people *blows dust off*, my blogging streak has been lost after three days. I fail so badly hahaha did you guys miss me O.O

Warning:  This post is full of rants + sadness + emo nonsense and completely wordy so please stop here if you have no time fo dat HAHAHA.

The past two weeks have been so emotional and nearly every factor in my life now is so-not-awesome (okay that english structure is really bad but i'm too lazy to re-think + re-type),

  • School (Specifically A module)
  • Family
  • Health
  • Relationship
  • IG (CCA)


I guess those who have been close to me know that I've been wanting to drop a module but failed to do so. It's a really long story but to cut it short, I regretted choosing the module and that dropping it isn't a choice either.
I officially hate Thursdays and I get overly-emotional so pardon me or like just leave me alone unless you can tank my mood swings hahahaa (just joking I'll try to be me as always)

Because of this situation and stress I even broke down in class (gosh this is so stupid) and even had to talk to Faci, Programme Chairs and all the important people above just to settle my situation. I can't believe I cried and teared like 10 times or more on just ONE Thursday. It was such a mess :(


Due to the stress above, I'm more cranky, angst and quiet and just soooooo toned down from all the craziness and laughter I used to have. I guess it made me distance from everyone at home and all I do now at home is to eat, bathe, talk to my dog, use my laptop and sleep. Feels like a motel huh.

I'm not sure why also but I've been sick frequently with fever, headache, migraines and today I have Constipation. LIKE REALLY. Pooping was such a pleasant thing for me now it's gone hahahaha too much information I'm crazy...

Because I've been heading to the doctor frequently my Mum started blaming on my eating/sleeping/whatever-excuses-they-can-come-up-with habits and yeah we quarreled. So now I officially talk so much lesser at home.


Things have been crazy and super unstable ever since our third month........ :/ So much quarrels and I know guess it's mainly because of the stress and insecurities I'm having plus all the other factors. oh and also the girl problem uh huh yeah me = hell.

So hubby if you're seeing this, I hope you forgive me :( Thank you for trying to always make things work and being the best you could be. Give me and us some time to ward all the stress away and lead life peacefully again :)

I love you hubz!


I've procrastinated a lot on this and things have finally been settled. There were many responsibilities I had to settle with and I'm glad it's kind of over..? I guess it's one thing that's not in my stress list anymore hahaha.

Okay I'm done with ranting. Sorry for those I've neglected with updating, I hope you all know about my life right now LOL.
I'll try to blog reaaaaaaaaaaaally soon when I'm much better (in terms of everything urgh), please don't leave me ^^

E says byebye!

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Blogging streak still going on and I'm happy muahahaha. But no I'm sad, Sunday has been BORING
You may ask, "Boring then why don't blog?", boring until don't wish to blog can lololol.

Everyone's been pretty busy (family) therefore my Sunday has been spent doing nothing. However few weekends ago it was a fun one! and I shall blog about fun things and not bore you guys. Weekend-ception babeh.

We headed to a new place at Toa Payoh, it tastes and feels exactly like Sizzler. I'm too lazy to explain just google okay HAHAHA.

This was the first thing I saw in the menu, no kidding okay we laughed for quite awhile and couldn't think of what to eat LOLOL.

Here's le Kelly after taking the picture "Pussy Foot" above to insta it HAHAHA.

When I haz bangbangz.

I had salad cravings that weekend and I was soooooooooooooo happy! The soup....... yumz ^^

Oh gosh I miss this. ARE YOU HUNGRY.



I always always can't wait for Mondays because of my classmates hehehe, shall blog tomorrow tata.
E says byebye!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Inspired Designs.

Hello Saturday! I'm trying my best to continue this blogging streak for as long as I can :/ 

Oh! and I've updated my blog photo above... and at the side! Followed by my bio. yea I bet many of you guys didn't notice the little section at the side hehe.
Anyways... I've been caught up on how to start on my proposal for my port folio in school.. and I've decided to whip out the designs I've not shared with you guys!

Also helps to give me inspiration and I have to finish it by today urgh.

Calendar design with team mates, these two were mine. Pretty cartoon-ish and it wasn't really my style but was definitely a good experience designing a calender.
ps; it's a LOT of hard work designing a calendar.

Name logo design I suppose? I think it's pretty classy for a shop heh.

One of my proudest work designs with Digital Illustration. My own unique style of Alice In Wonderland crazy women. hahaha i forgot her name o.o

Tee-shirt designs :)

Magazine design for Service-Learning Club. There were three options to choose from & obviously I had to try with this! ^^

Web page design for retail shop. I think it's pretty good what do you think hehehe.


Please comment and tell me how my designs are! I always wanna know how to improve them :)
E says byebye!

Friday, November 1, 2013


HOLA AMIGOS. I've been so caught up with life and I've been sick with migraines and headaches... Also been stressed with many things to do / upcoming till I really had no mood to blog, meh =/

School has been insane and time pasts really really fast.... I can't believe it's already week three next week. I haven't been dressing up lately due to the stress LOL. So I guess it's time to unleash photos that have been kept for months....

*blows dusts away from photos uploaded* // yea I know I'm so dramatic.

Top //
Cardigan // Cotton On



One of my favourite outfits so far ^^


Old OOTD during June/July.


Current favourite outfit, haven't felt girly in ages muehehe.
Skirt and Cardigan // Cotton On :)

Shall try to blog tomorrow alwights,
E says byebye!