Saturday, July 20, 2013

Final Assignment, thank you.

What is up guys, I'm feeling slightly happier due to staying at home and updating all my folders which are so overdued.
I'm also having a good hair day, I'm so pwetty :3

On a even happier note, one of my assignments have finally completed! I'm really happy but also sad because I really loved the process of the entire assignment!
The comments from my facilitator were awesome and I really wish that my grade would be as expected, he also discussed with me what I intended to do when I grow older & I swear it was such a tough answer to give.

Before I wanna show you guys the final work I've done, I want to spend this Saturday thanking someone...


I wanna thank him for too many things in my life and most importantly, the journey throughout this entire assignment.

If you readers didn't know, I have a brother who's 7 years old than me and I am proud to say that we're still on close terms even after 18 years of my life.
Most people are surprised whenever I say things like "I'm going to my Brother's room first" or "I'm going out with him later". 
I have honestly never or have not met any of my friends who are close to their siblings compared to mine and I'm really touched and always proud to tell others I have a brother like him.

Because of him, I learnt to be much tougher as I grew older.
Because of him, I got tricked by his lame actions and then trick others.
Because of him, playing pranks are just for fun and laughter, there's nothing to be angry about.
Because of him, life has been easy. Because I know he's always there to help me.
Because of him, I learnt how to draw and design. I learnt to be original and creative.
Because of him, I play many crazy games like fighting or shooting ones.

We used to sleep in the same room when we were much  younger and I remember us playing with shadows at night and pretending to sleep when we hear our Dad coming in to check on us.
We used to wake up early right after our parents leave for work during the holidays and play 1 hour free trial games till it was time for breakfast.

He's my best cook ever and even though he doesn't do it as often, I always appreciate it whenever he cooks for me or our family.
We can quarrel at least once a day like it's a norm, but the truth is; true bonds don't break that easily.

Last but not least, we still make time once in awhile for movies.
& yes, taking nice lovely photos of me!

I know it's so cheesy and what not but I'm just so grateful. don't come to my room and deesiao me please gorgor :P


Last but not least.... My final assignment.

Please feel free to give any critique or comments, I'll be glad to know what you guys feel :)
E says byebye!

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