Monday, July 22, 2013

Xiao Long Pao with The Kunz.

I nearly forgot to blog today! Monday's are like the best days of the week like really. I get to catch up on all the videos I've been missing out on, surf the net like nobody's business and get to blog.
Well I guess that's because of my ultra love module.

SO ANYWAY, The kunz and I headed to Kung Fu Paradise few weeks ago for the first time together and she was cray over the xiao long paos. Someone translate that for me.
It was so funny because she was cray about eating them but both of us had not much money, & I was sick with sore throat so eating that was the "best" alternative heh.

if you don't know who's the kunz...

The best photo I could ever find... HAHAHA.

Funny how they gave instructions on how to eat it properly, but I listened though lololol.

I forgot to take a photo of the paos dammit, but here's something interesting we ordered.

I call it the "Look like muffin but inside got banana and red bean plus make up powder on top" MUFFIN.
Yea I must strain the muffin twice, it's not bad but eating it was just too funny.

Finally took a photo of myself and OOTD, it's been too long ohmo :<
it was my first time wearing those shorts without stockings, good no?

Just a lil' short post for today, more to come.
E says byebye!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Final Assignment, thank you.

What is up guys, I'm feeling slightly happier due to staying at home and updating all my folders which are so overdued.
I'm also having a good hair day, I'm so pwetty :3

On a even happier note, one of my assignments have finally completed! I'm really happy but also sad because I really loved the process of the entire assignment!
The comments from my facilitator were awesome and I really wish that my grade would be as expected, he also discussed with me what I intended to do when I grow older & I swear it was such a tough answer to give.

Before I wanna show you guys the final work I've done, I want to spend this Saturday thanking someone...


I wanna thank him for too many things in my life and most importantly, the journey throughout this entire assignment.

If you readers didn't know, I have a brother who's 7 years old than me and I am proud to say that we're still on close terms even after 18 years of my life.
Most people are surprised whenever I say things like "I'm going to my Brother's room first" or "I'm going out with him later". 
I have honestly never or have not met any of my friends who are close to their siblings compared to mine and I'm really touched and always proud to tell others I have a brother like him.

Because of him, I learnt to be much tougher as I grew older.
Because of him, I got tricked by his lame actions and then trick others.
Because of him, playing pranks are just for fun and laughter, there's nothing to be angry about.
Because of him, life has been easy. Because I know he's always there to help me.
Because of him, I learnt how to draw and design. I learnt to be original and creative.
Because of him, I play many crazy games like fighting or shooting ones.

We used to sleep in the same room when we were much  younger and I remember us playing with shadows at night and pretending to sleep when we hear our Dad coming in to check on us.
We used to wake up early right after our parents leave for work during the holidays and play 1 hour free trial games till it was time for breakfast.

He's my best cook ever and even though he doesn't do it as often, I always appreciate it whenever he cooks for me or our family.
We can quarrel at least once a day like it's a norm, but the truth is; true bonds don't break that easily.

Last but not least, we still make time once in awhile for movies.
& yes, taking nice lovely photos of me!

I know it's so cheesy and what not but I'm just so grateful. don't come to my room and deesiao me please gorgor :P


Last but not least.... My final assignment.

Please feel free to give any critique or comments, I'll be glad to know what you guys feel :)
E says byebye!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Double E's.

I'm sick, AGAIN.
Can you tell the difference?

I haz the swollen eyes. I iz sad.

Doctor said that I strained my eyes, I need to rest more often.
But I'm still here blogging..... LOL. anyway, I decided to blog about this few days ago. (due to the migraine and eyes) 

I decided to do a post just for my doggy Erica ^^, I / We have been neglecting her too much but I still wanna show how much I love her :)

WARNING: Cuteness overload.

When I was cray over exercising, she wants to join in too ^^

After her haircut previously.

Recent photo of her, yes; she has cataracts :(

The good young old days of Erica <3 p="">

Captured at the right moment HAHAHAHA

The times when she got sick but still looking adorable.

I used to laugh at this picture so much, it still is funny LOL

During my secondary school days, she used to love sleeping on my school bags!


Last but not least............. the best picture.

She's so camera shy now. Unglam? I POST. HAHAHAH.

That's all for today and I hope you guys love her as much as I do ^^
if you're wondering, Erica's a Maltese and she's 10/11 years old. She has cataract for quite awhile but still equally fierce. Oh well, Like owner like beeeech heh.

E says byebye!

Friday, July 12, 2013

New Month, New things.

I have been too busy and emotionally unstable; I'm sorry :(

Since it's a brand new month; I've got a whole lot of new things for myself.
(some items were quite long ago, chronological order okay!)

Let's start sharing :D

I initially wanted to design a stand to hang up my jackets / outer-wears,
but my parents found this.

It's the best best best thing evaaaaaaaaaa, 
I wake up pretending to be a model deciding which I should wear.
HAHAHAA justjoking.


 Traded clothes with Candy for this bag, it's so adorable y no one agree with me :<
I haven't got a chance to use it though, too adorable.!


Went to Daiso last month and guess what's this for? To hang ties hahaha.

Guess what I use it for?

Yerp, my belts HAHAHAAH. I'm so innovative thanks, with just 2 bucks.


Gift from Mummy due to special reasons, I'm loving it so badly.
I never had a pair of sneakers ever since Secondary 4, only flats / wedges etc,


Another reason why I wanted sneakers because I started having problems with my feet :(
Yes, it's so bad that my mum covers her mouth AND nose AND walks away.

My oh-so-funny aunt got me these.....

4 or 5 feet odor products for me to try it out, tell me if I should laugh or cry about it X)
However, I didn't use any except one. Cos I got these after............

Hidden socks, LOL. They work so amazingly I wear them everyday.
Sorry aunt for your efforts hehehehe.


 Also,my eye liner finally finished after 6/7 months.
But it was an improvement because I used to keep it for 1 year till it couldn't be used heh.

Been loving these, time to be pretty ^^


I've been wanting to tell you guys this but I haven't had the time....


KEEEEEDING, I said yes to my Mum if I wanted this necklace.

HAHAHAAHAHAHA I'm laughing at my own joke :(
It was pretty expensive but it's been my favourite.

"Wear for 50 years, 1 year pay $1", quote from my Mum.

Had to show one more picture cuz it's too awesome.

That's all for today! I hope this post makes up for the missing in action :x
E says byebye!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Grand-Papa Yeo.

It feels like it's been a few months since I blogged and I swear I'm so tired, life has been pretty busy.. Some of you might not know but my Grandfather passed away. It was on a Wednesday and today's the last day of the entire funeral (I'm at home finally getting some good rest).

I'm not really sad to the maximum because despite my Grandfather living under the same roof as me, it's like as if we've been strangers all my 18 years of life.
But still, I do really miss him and it's just an internal sadness due to the loss of someone close and related to you.

My life's been pretty unstable and my sleeping habit hasn't been well. Felt like I've gained weight (due to the munching of anything & everything) and having swollen eyes due to all the crazy rubbing (I don't know why) AND eye bags.

 I'm this tired :(

But no worries, I'll soon look like this..........

Oh hell yes, back to irritate each and everyone who love or hates me


Here's a picture of my Grandfather,
this house is gonna be so quiet. But don't worry, I'll take over you ^^


Monday, July 1, 2013

The story of Mr K.

It's a brand new start to a July and I must say it hasn't been pretty well.
July's gonna be one whole emotional month due to many things which I wish I could share with you all in one direct post.

But anyways.. before I start with loads of words and reflections; I just want to disclaim that I'm honestly feeling real down (& slightly sick), therefore this page of happiness wouldn't be as bubbly as it would use to. Still, please wait for me till I get better ^^


A few days ago, something with a huge impact hit me and made me realize and reflect upon loads of things. This post is not only for that one person but for the many who have gone through the same thing, it might sound cheesy/unbelievable or stupid but trust me; I've been through it.


For some of those who have been reading my blog ever since February, I actually met and knew this guy called "Mr K", and I want to point out that it's not the guy I've met during an event but from last year..

*For privacy reasons, I've cut some information to make it simpler but the story line is indeed real.

Mr K and I met last year not long after I broke up with Willie and he was that first eye candy that I sort of loved. Many people knew it because it was obvious with how mesmerized I was with him but he just didn't know and I was too shy to even say it out.

Just within the few weeks, he and I started to talk nearly everyday. We got so close to a point that people thought we were together / going to be together but of course we remained very close friends.
It was a happy time talking to him despite his habits are real different from all the guys I hung out with, I learnt what was patience all about.

He could spend 15 or 20 minutes to reply me but all I could do was to forgive him,
He could call me to chat and then after 15 minutes he said he needed to put down; but I was still happy I got to hear his voice.
He sacrificed some of his time when I needed him, even though he's not the best comforter, he was still the best man of the few I knew.

It was less than a month that things went too quickly and we weren't official nor open, things got a little confusing for both us but we still stayed for each other.
I remember people telling me to leave him because "He's not good enough" or "It's just not good", but I want to ask,

What's good enough? Can it really be measured?

1st April was the day everything came to an end.
He said he couldn't take it anymore and that that was it.
I remember crying to sleep that night till my eyes swell and I called him the next day crying my hearts out saying that I just really wanted him.

All his replies were "For now it's painful, but after awhile it won't be as painful anymore", or "I thought I could handle you, but I'm also human."

It was so painful I stayed home for a few days not telling anyone and not many were even there for me, I had  so much hatred in him that I wanted revenge or telling the whole world what exactly happened.
But after a few weeks of pain and numbness, things got better.

Up till now, I couldn't recall how things were better. It just did, I was slowly over him till school started.
It was so painful seeing him, he said he felt like I'm not how I used to be; I didn't know what to reply but I was crying inside.

We met up again once or twice, we behaved the same way we used to and at the second time; I couldn't take it.
I asked if we could get together and we started talking things out, and both of us decided to just let go of everything and remain mutual.


Has this ever happened to you? 
Where by one person impacted your life so much that you could cry and beg that person to be back to you, where that one person just left you all of a sudden.

I've learnt a lot from this experience and I must say I'm glad that all these happened.


- It made me stronger and realize that managing heartbreaks alone is possible; it's whether you choose to accept it or not.
- It made me realize that people come and go, and we all had our happy memories; why choose to brood over the bad ones?
- It made me help others who have gone through the same process as me; they ask me how I did it.

I just did. Because I know it's possible.

Sometimes the more you want to forget something, the more you think of it. 
Thinking of it real practically, you spend 1 hour in your bus ride home trying to forget that someone that hurt you so much but all you do is actually thinking of that person even more.
Then you feel worst.

You don't want to regret losing another person don't you?
Live your life as per normal, cry when you think it's worth; and appreciate your family and friends.

If you think it's painful to forget someone, then don't. 
Continue loving him/her in silence, because one day you might realize that you actually let go without realizing; and the pain would be reduced so much more.

Don't force yourself in whatever you're doing that pains you more, do what makes you happy.
Thank the people who have hurt you because of the lessons you've learnt, use it to help someone else going through something worst.


Mr K, Thank you for still being my friend. 
Thank you for the memories and also the times when you were there for me.

Thank You :)