Wednesday, February 15, 2012


and off cos i celebrated with my lovely boyfriend. photos are up on facebook! we went to the the Singapore Zoo :P

Since this is the best valentines day i've ever encounted, i've decided to share with you all me and boyfriends LOVE STORY ^^

My first memory of baby willie was during secondary 3 (2010) when he was at the hall, i used to name him " the cute guy that always walk to the hall very fast". i used to find him cute but i didn't really bother after that.

The first time we talked was on facebook! it was on the 23rd June 2011 when we had our last day of motivational camp. I was the one that talked to him first which wasn't really a big challenge for me as it was just a random chat, we continued chatting and he gave me his number cos he had to go! which was a super big step cos i never had a guys number immediately only on our first chat.

We started texting and talking to each other on MSN. Whenever i reach home, i would online MSN with my phone as i didn't have my laptop and waited for him to online. He would always talk to me first most of the time which was surprising cos most guys i talked to seldom initiated talks everyday. It was a daily routine to talk to each other through text and MSN but we just didn't talk to each other in real life despite him sitting near me during morning assembly.

I still remember there was once when i stayed back in school for science practical and his pre paid was low so we couldnt text. I thought we wouldnt text for long as i don't know when he will top up or even talk to me. Suddenly i received a text from him saying that he just top up, i was so shocked and asked him why he had to tell me. He just said he had the need to. That was when i felt weird, my heart felt tingly. I guess i started to like him.

There was a dance competition in our school and i wanted to watch it so badly but none of my classmates were going. I asked my art friends and they were okay with it, then i asked willie if he wanted to go. i knew it was weird asking but i guess thats the only time i can really see him for long. i thought he would say no but instead he agreed but he was closer to his friends than me. I remembered his smile at me and i didn't smile back cos i guess i was so shy and he kept smiling and waving so that i would give him a reply. <3

I went home alone as they were all dragging their time and i had the need to be alone. I was super emotional during that time as many things happened so i just left them. I was at pending lrt bus stop which was the place i always went to go home. I saw him afterwards walking home with your friend and we just gave each other a smile. I had that feeling that he stayed near pending area and i felt so shy and shocked when i saw him. He and his friend were at the lrt station buying stuff, i couldnt help but keep looking at him.

Few mins later when i looked back to find him, i saw him walking towards my direction and his friend was gone. I thought he was just coming to the bus stop but he waved widely at me, my eyes opened so wide cos i so afraid that he would talk to me which i knew it would happen.

He sat beside me smiling which i loved the most. I was kinda shy at the start and i asked him why he came here. He said i was lonely but i told him that i was just alone. He then argued saying alone meant that i was lonely. I was kinda sad at that point but he cheered me up alot. I started opening up to him and we talked and laughed over small stuff. He kept laughing at me and the reason was i had alot of facial expressions. I felt happy when i saw him laughing even though it wasnt intentional for me to make him laugh. We talked from 3 to 6.30 and he had to go home. It was one of the best chats ever and i wasn't so sad anymore.

The second time we talked to each other was also at the bus stop, he didnt stop to talk to me at first but we were texting when he was walking home. Somehow he asked me if i wanted to talk to him. Even though i wanted it i told him that there wasn't a need to as he would have to walk back again. All of a sudden i saw him rushing back and he sat beside me again with his lovely smile. I told him that i wanted to go to a peaceful place and he suggested that we went to the block behind. That was when i told him i was afraid of lifts and he was coaxing me to try. Somehow i was okay with it and i felt really safe when i was in the lift with him.

The first time with him alone was really awkward at first and i sat far away from him cos i had this respect for him and didnt wanna go so close. We chatted there and had so much fun. Even though we were far apart, the chat just continued and there wasn't any pause at all. I felt so happy and i knew that i was going to be in love with him.

It was my O level year and also his when we talked. I didn't wanna be in love or get into anymore relationships as i told myself from the start. I was getting afraid to talk to him more as i didn't wanna love him. I kept telling myself that he was just a normal friend and that whatever he did for me was normal and that he would do it to others too.

The 3rd meetup at the block was when i sat beside him on the staircase, i felt so comfortable with him and i just couldnt resist the love i felt for him. He told me about his family problems and i sat there and listened. That was when i saw the real Willie and he cried badly. I was so touched when i saw him cry as i didn't see a tough guy like him crying because of his family. I was also so guilty as i realised i didn't cherish my family as much. I started crying too and i hated it so much as i disliked crying outside and infront of guys. I tried to control but i just cried non stop; willie was scared and he stopped crying and started comforting me; asking me why i cried so much. I kept looking away as i didn't want him to see my face. He took out tissues from his bag and tried to clean away my tears when i kept blocking him. He finally pulled me facing him and he used his hands to wipe away my tears. I felt so loved when his hand touched me and that was when i suddenly hugged him.

I smiled when i hugged him and i loved his smell. I felt so much better and that Willie really changed my perspective of life. The funny thing when i let go of him was when he said " woa, my heartbeat very fast sia." I knew what he meant but i pretended i didn't know and just ignored that sentence. I already had this feeling that we both loved each other but i thought it was only one sided (me) and that i was thinking too much.

When i was on the way home, i text willie saying that hugging him would be the first and last. He asked why with "?!". I confessed.

Yes i confessed saying that i have feelings for him and i didn't want it to happen, neither do i want to have stronger feelings for him. He just laughed and said that hugging him was fine. I hated his answer so much cos hugging him was really the best feeling in the world.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Omg this is too sweet! Last long my dear :)