Saturday, February 4, 2012

this is my morning face hehe.

i woke up today and had my breakfast alone and before i started eating i saw my entire house;
just a typical look at everything and i started to think alot about it.

home can mean alot to many of us, and i'm glad i have a nice home and family.


when you look at me, am i really happy with all i have?

People see me as the girl living in a big house, having a dog that can accompany me any time.
you see me smiling and laughing all day, having coach and gucci, being the high class girl.

but have you ever thought of what i really want?

i just want true happiness and a simple life.

doesn't mean living in a big house can make me enjoy.
doesn't mean having money and branded stuff can make me have no worries.
we have those cos we are fortunate enough to afford the things we want.

but it's a different happiness when you get something else like leading a simple life.

all i ever wanted was to stay in a cozy house, i don't need a big house.
all i ever wanted was to explore nice places i always wanted to go for long.
all i ever wanted was to do what i want like sing,draw;dance freely.
all i ever wanted was looking at beautiful things and that the smile on my face is real.

i don't need to laugh to express my happiness, but when i simply look at something i love, i'm laughing inside. cos that happiness is just indescribable.


i just feel so tired. i feel like i'm living a complicated life.

can someone give me true happiness? can someone just make me be myself?

can someone wake me up as early as 8 and bring me for morning walks and then have a simple breakfast, bring me to places so that we can spend time on bonding instead of just using the computer. watch a lovely movie; go back to our childhood and run around like how free and REALLY happy we used to be. sitting on swings thinking about how wonderful and pretty the world is outside instead of staying at home. talking and laughing at each other, appreciating little things in life that we all neglect. ending my night with wonderful lights and the sounds of crickets surrounding me, making me feeling so HAPPY.

am i just dreaming? can this really happen some day?

all i wish for is true happiness.

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