Friday, December 4, 2009

QUIZ TIME ! ( By shirleen/huijia )

1. Real name: Ellyne
2. Nickname: Lyn?
3. Birthday: 29121995
4. Zodiac sign: Capricorn (sp)
5. Male or female: Female.
6. Elementary: Yew Tee.
7. Middle School: Greenridge
8. University: 1) it's POLY 2) I'M ONLY 14
9. Best friends: Desiree,Shirleen + 2e2 + 6F ETC LOL
10. Hair Colour: Brown.
11. Long or short hair: Middle :D
12. Loud or quiet: L-O-U-D
13. Sweats or jeans: Jeans.
14. Phone or camera: Phone that has camera LOL
15. Heath freak: huh??
16. Drink or smoke: drink? lol
17. Do you have a crush on someone: yep
18. Eat or drink: ask yourself.
19. Piercings: have. i wan one more but scared -.-
20. Tattoos: nope.
21. Sugery: yeah. when i was very young haha
22. Piercing: when i was p4 and i cried so loud till i scared the next customer -.-
23. Bestfriend: erm, i forgot leh. izzit grace? LOL
24. Award: ballet grade 1 certificate LOL!!!
25. Vacation: Japan?
26. Sports: either swimming or ballet lol
27. Crush: someone :D
28. Pet: ERIC!!! LOL
29. Big birthday: 1 month years old LOOLOOOOLOLOL
30. Eating: huh?? MY MUM'S MILK LOL
31. Drinking: oh this is supposed to be my mum's milk LOL
32. I'm about to: scroll down and see how long more to finish this
33. Listening to: 987 top 20 countdown :D
34. Plans for today: want my dad to say yes!
35. Waiting for: my dad to come upstairs! LOL
36. Want kids: i want a boyf then husband then kids LOL
37. Want to get married: yea
38. Whose your love: someone (:
39. Careers in mind: many, but one that i really want to succeed in
Which is better,
40. Lips or eyes: Eyes.
41. Shorter or taller: huh?? taller bah
42. Romantic or spontaneous: dono
43. Nice stomach or arms: LOL! arms hehe
44. Sensitive or loud: loud like ME BOOMSZX LOL
45. Hook up or relationship: aren't they the same?? :O
46. Trouble maker or hesitant: trouble maker + hesitant hehe
Have you ever,
47. Lost glasses or contacts: noooo
48. Ran away from home: nope
49. Sniff gum or smoke: notnot
50. Killed someone: if i wasnt hum LOL
51. Broke someone's heart: i think many -_-
52. Been arrested: NO!!
53. Cried when someone died: who doesnt
You believe in,
54. Yourself: if u dont believe in urself, go die better LOL
55. Miracles: Yes!
56. Love at first sight: yea :P
57. Heaven: DUH
58. Santa Claus: sometimes
59. Male nipples: LOL WTH. donooo
60. Kiss on first date: hmm maybe?
Ans truthfully,
61. Is there one person youus want to be right now: yea
62. Are youus seriously happy in where you're in life now: yes. i'm quite happy (:
63. Do youus believe in god: Yes! i need him sooooo much rite now!
64. Tag 15 people: i think anyone can do this larhs. see i so kind hor. 15 words here.

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