Tuesday, December 15, 2009

today i got nothing to post about
so i shall post about my cousin KELLY! LOL and kenneth abit :O
The pic above: THE PAST
I remembered when we were so so so young
we hated one of our cousins HAHAHA
and you,kenneth and me were like doing lame stuffs like " stealing pokemon ball from her"
in front of everyone standing behind her trying to "steal " it
and we go " YES!" when it was succesful ( just because she she didnt notice us )
and shaking the double decker bed ( we were on top) and making her cry LOL
in the end tio meh ><>
and having tin tin books together, winx club, pokemon.
all the funny things and when we drive to malaysia always bring a bag of small toys and pour them all out in the car LOL!
and our car was so slippery we put it at the resting arm "belt" area and sit with us HAHAHAH!!
and i always sleep halfway :X ps eh? hehe
and remembering when we four played old maid, donkey LOL
pokemon cards and kenneth always repeating wad tin tin book says
and ME! having the WBS ( you should know) LOL, i shall never play table tennis when the floor is wet HAHAHAAHAHAH!!
and when i stay over at ur house we do hw together maple together haha
and sometimes when we play a fool while studying suddenly ur mum comes in we quickly do our work LOL,
and the times we used the wet tissue papers to clean our whole head to hands until i had rash LOL! when xiao yi zhang told us to put our two index fingers to our cheeks to get dimbles
and i got another rash cos my hand was dirty -.-
plus using johnson lotion to clean it on our faces to pretending we are going out
lucky that one i no rash LOL!!!!
and TADA! when we grew bigger we stayed at chloes house
helping her and being so tired cos we played with chandler carrying him and "flying"
and you couldnt carry him LOL
the first same shirt we got!
actually not really cos when we were babies we got some same shirts too LOL
always remember that we are BCF - Best Cousins Forever
and remember that this shirt is given by XIAO YI! keep it and give ur child larhs LOL
then i also hehe!!!
and remember this pic was taken by CHLOE! :D
First time wore dresses out HAHA!
and u see we always nearly wear the same type of clothes LOL
i forgot who took this ><
either chloe or my bro? haha
the necklace you bought for me, i will always keep it :D
and all ur birthday gifts are kept too!
even the wrapper! LOL
and sorry this year never buy for you :X

Chandlers birthday party? i remember we took this while doing chloes birthday card :D

how honoured we are to do it first rite? this was the time when we discovered the " your ma?"

LOL zinc + HCL or wadever

she play ball with me! and when we lifted up her skirt and ept the pillow under her and pull out so tight LOLOL

typing this also make me wanna laugh lorhs HAHAA!

and quite the recent pic
where we always hang out when we go this hotel LOL
with the rest of the cousins and "bullying" chloe
remember when we were a little younger we always played catching around the tree?
chloe was much younger
and this year we laughed so much cos of mama sister?
HAHAH!! i dowan say it here! LOL ><
everyyear there's sth so funny when we go that hotel
and this time we went we managed to take picszx! ahaha!


our neo print!! haha :D so nice rite! always remember we will be KELLYNE :D

and hope until we grow old our child will also be close lol! and go to that same hotel :3


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