Monday, December 7, 2009


hello people!
my internet is lagggyyyyyyyyyy~ X(
so difficult to change screen lols,
and 987 is playing christmas song ZZZZ!
i love christmas, but not the songs! LOL.
especially the voice is......
ok let's get back :X
so today nothing much,
woke up cos i couldnt sleep,
it was that kind of drink-tea-then-sleepy-but-cannot-sleep-feeling.
LOL, get that?? if not then nvm -.-
tried to sleep but cant then woke up lorhs
ate breakfast and dad was gone lerhs
service car haha
then play lappyyyyyyyyy~
then i think i slept
but in the end on the bed doing nothing
LOL, then stand up dizzy cos never sleep -_-
my fault laaaaaa LOL.
ate lunch then ate medi again then bathe for dog
so white larhs her hair done by ME :D LOL.
never use bleach okay! is use hands and kung fu LOL jkjk
play com then ds awhile
dinner and i'm here!
so today nothing to update.
wed then maybe ask qad come??
cos i'll be GOOOOD by TMR :D
love itttt.
kelly IS BACK
cant wait to meet them at tp soon! :D

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