Thursday, July 9, 2009

Take this test only if
- you think you may be insane
- you’re curious if you’re insane
- people have labeled you insane/sociopathic/psychot

Part One – School
[x] You have come back to your locker, and then forgot what you wanted from it
[] You forgot your locker combo
[ ] You said hi/ smiled to a complete stranger in the hallway
[ ] You’ve winked flirtily at a complete stranger in the hallway
[ x] You’ve made a sarcastic remark to the teacher behind her back
[ ] You’ve had a crush on your teacher/ one of the staff
[ ] You’ve forgotten your gym clothes more than five times
[ ] You have worn something to school either inside-out/backwards/tag sticking out
[ ] You’ve had a food fight at lunch
[ x] You’ve written a message on your desk
[ ] You’ve written a flashy message on the white/black board
[x ] You’ve chased after the bus in a flurry
[ ] You’ve been in trouble on the bus
[ ] You’ve played turn-off-the-neighbor’s laptop in the lab/classroom
[ ] You’ve sucked up to a teacher just to spite them
[x ] Your locker looks like it’s been hit by a tornado
[ ] You’ve kicked/socked/slugged/punched your locker in frustration
[ ] You’ve made up an answer to a question the teacher asked you when you weren’t listening
[ ] You’ve gotten locked out of your own school
[ ] You have at least 5 different hilarious slogans you thought your team/school t-shirt should have
[x ] You’ve screamed randomly in the halls/classrooms/lunchroom
[ ] You’ve dropped something coyly onto the hallway floor, meaning for other people to find it

So Far: 6

Part Two – Home
[ ] You’ve snuck out/broke into your house
[x ] You’ve played in your backyard after age twelve
[ ] You’ve slid down the banisters
[ x] You’ve played skip-the-stairs or tried to jump long distances
[ ] You’ve accidentally locked a room before
[ ] You’ve broken a door before
[ ] Your bedroom has a dent in its wall where you’ve kicked it
[ x] You’ve played a house prank on your brother/sister/parents
[ x] You’ve broken valuable objects
[ ] You’ve sat on your doorstep for no reason whatsoever
[ ] You’ve blasted music which neighbors got annoyed at
[ ] You’ve attempted gymnastics in your house

So Far: 10

Part Three – Strangers
[ ] You’ve hugged a stranger
[ ] You’ve kissed a stranger
[ ] You’ve winked at a stranger
[ x] You’ve smiled at a stranger
[ ] You’ve went up to a stranger and had a deep, meaningful conversation
[ ] You’ve acted drunk in front of a stranger
[x ] You’ve pushed a stranger
[ ] You’ve punched a stranger
[ ] You’ve asked a stranger for his/her number
[ ]You’ve danced in front of a stranger
[ ] You’ve used a catch phrase to a stranger
[ ] You’ve sang crazily in front of a stranger
[x ] You’ve frowned at a stranger
[ x] You’ve gotten mad at a stranger

So Far: 14

Part Four – Friends
[x ] You’ve told a joke and were the only one who laughed
[ ] You’ve acted bipolar in front of your friends
[ x] You’ve laughed hysterically in front of your friends
[x ] You’ve played a hilarious prank on your friend(s)
[ x] You’ve fallen in love with a friend
[ ] You’ve slowdanced with a friend
[ ] You’ve boogied with a friend
[ x] You’ve mistaken your friend(s) for somebody else
[ ] You’ve tickled your friends so hard they cried
[ ] You’ve slipped an ice cube down your friend’s back
[ ] You’ve rode piggyback on a friend, or vice versa
[ ] You’ve had a completely intelligent conversation with a friend
[x ] You’ve played lovers with your friend(s)
[ x] You’ve slapped your friend’s butt
[ x] You’ve slapped your friend across the face
[ ] You’ve exchanged clothes with your friend
[ ] You’ve break danced (or attempted to) with a friend
[ ] You’ve had a fashion show with a friend
[x ] You’ve done an extremely crazy dare with a friend
[ ] You’ve called your friend a different name,
[ ] You’ve trashed your friend’s house
[ ] You’ve poked your friend in the stomach and laughed hysterically

So Far: 23

Part Five – Clothes/Appearance
[x ] You’ve had piercings
[x ] You’ve worn only one color in your outfit
[ ] You’ve worn more than ten colors in your outfit
[ ] You’ve worn something to a place and changed before you got home
[ ] You’ve done an absurd hairstyle
[ ] You’ve dyed your hair an unnatural color.
[ ] You’ve tried to make a fashion statement
[ ] You’ve worn something out of place
[ ] You’ve been a clown for Halloween
[x] You’ve worn unmatching shoes

So Far: 26

Part Six – Misc
[ ] You’ve been fully in the water with your clothes still on (waterworks!)
[ x] You’ve been to a country where you are the least associated with
[ x] You’ve petted a dangerous animal
[ ] You’ve played ding-dong ditch (what?)
[ ] You’ve egged a house
[x] You’ve gotten lost at a mall
[x] You’ve screamed your heart out
[x] You’ve sang your heart out
[ x] You’ve danced your heart out
[x] You’ve imitated a different religion/ethnicity
[x] You’ve tried the British accent
[x] You’ve tried the Indian/ Asian accent
[x] You’ve tried the southern accent
[x] You’ve eaten something so spicy you cried
[ ] You’ve put a weird, quirky status message up for anything
[ ] You’ve walked out of a store with an item without knowing it was still in your hands
[ ] You’ve burst into song in a public place
[ ] You’ve drawn a stupid picture of your enemy
[x] You’ve walked someplace and then forgot why you were there and what you were doing
[ ] You’ve swallowed gum on purpose

Total Amount: 37

There’s 100 total.
Whatever you have, its your percentage of insanity.
So, are you really insane?

1-20% = Yawn—boring
21-35% = Normal
36-50% = A bit insane
51-70% = pretty insane
71-90% = Insane
91-100% = Flipping insane


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