Tuesday, July 27, 2010

sorry peeps for not updating for like 3 to 4 days? HEHHEHEEH.
cos i'm so lazy
and drag so long le. i also lazy to update on weekends.

yesterday was alright larhs. i forgot leh LOL
i only remembered today. ><

so yea. today woke up damn tired cos of sth ._.
went to sch. hair was madness. dono what shit lor lol
assembly was okay. chemistry was funny alr.
cos we sit at bio lab cant see then des ask miss yiew whats the ans she tell us stand up
we shift the table better LOL
so yea.

physics was sian like hell.
went to scene one studio. was damn cold la
but control lorhs. watch dono wad short clip
like can get motivated only -.-

ls was damn funny as usual. greet cher until so pek chek
"good morning malcolm!" :D
sleep abit then everyone throw paper.
we eat cereals. LOL!

recess *skip*

english did summary. okok lorhs.
listen 987. then end le hor wanna play my fav song
mr rao came. HOW NICE :(

maths was dumb la. funny also LOL
cos i keep making des laugh "EH DONKEY" HAHAA
then weekang suddenly so good to us then teach me maths somemore. LOL
jermyn colour my paper while teaching ._.

mt was slacky.



happy birthday my darling,
was i the first one to wish you? i hope so.
did u realise i waited till 12am?
i dont think so.
but yea.
officially 3 months being single
but it still feels like we broke up yesterday.
we knew each other and become together within 23 days.
after the breakup i thought it was just some bullshit love.
but its been 3 months
i still LOVE you.
what about you? are you that heartless to forget me alr?
i hope not. i really hope so...
but because of you. i'm afraid. afraid of love.
and i just wanna love you. so that no other guy can hurt me again.
not anymore.

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