Friday, July 30, 2010



Thursday, July 29, 2010

okay. 23 and 27 are over. Time to study, manage my time and slack less. Until the next 27th...
today was kinda okay? i'm happy today. i donooooo~
okay. jason's birthday! FUNNY. LOL

first period was ss. kinda sian. but slacky
maths was damn funny. eugene was damn irritating -_-
did so many questions. waste paper. should use book mah! :(

geo was funny. desiree keep laughing. LOL
and i ate my cereal. ohoho!

recess was okay.

after recess jermyn wanted to headbutt the watermeron for jason LOL
but no strength so use elbow.
sang happy bday song. all put watermeron on him <3!!>
i ate abit. damn sweet. damn ex :X

went for chem. tio scolded abit. then laugh laugh cos desiree said sth LOL

english was okay la. mr heng ate the watermeron. said it was salty. HAHA
lucky i didnt eat alr ><
talked about oral. i actually cant wait for it. EHE!

assembly was dumb.

chionged home and faster did my work as i was scared the fucking construction came back

now talking to ernest. LOL
wierd not? cos talking about the odyssey thingy.
currently dl-ing the game. cant wait! so long lor. cos the dl rate slow
ernest one so fast. :(

so yea. tmr maybe no time update.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

finally i'm back in this place to post.
and i'm like freaking angry because my neighbour is doing some fucking renovation or whatever shit.
and it's damn noisy
i wanna study cannot, i wanna sleep cannot, people call me i cant hear. FUCK THIS SHIT!
and e-learning sucks. i swear. i rather go to sch. and i didnt do maths. LOL. was about to do it but was damn pissed with this drilling. I HATE IT~

so yea. gonna off soon, bathe go see doctor. -.-
why? cos my dad says so. my nose or wadever.
sian lorhs. just please chop of my nose. irritating :(

nth much lerhs. i cant watch youtube or listen music except from ear piece and my ears are mad alr cos i've been using the loudest volume from 12 plus to 2.

if you a guy- post this as my kind of girl..
if your a girl- post it as my kind of guy..

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
• Not really.

2. Smart?
• yes?

3. Preferred age?
• older than me

4. Preferred height?
• Taller than me .

5. How about sense of humor?
• alot. please -.-

6. How about piercings?
• 1 or 2?

7. Accepts you for who you are?

8. Pink hair?
• fuck that shit. LOL

9. Mushy or no?
• a lil?

10. Thin or fat?
• aga aga lor

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
• what kind of question -.-

12. Long hair or short hair?
• decent hair. LOL

13. Plastic or metal?
• wth?

14. Smells good?
• yep

15. Smoker?
• Nooo

16. Drinker?
• not so bad lor

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
• whats that? LOL

18. Muscular?
• Nope

19. Plays piano?
• YES. i would be so damn happy.

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
• anything.

21. Plays violin?
• nope

22. Sings very good?
• sing for me i happy le :3

23. Vain?
• abit la. then cute cute. LOL

24. With glasses?
• sui bian

25. With braces?
• dono. anything?

26. Shy type?
• NO

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
• okok la

28. Active or passive?
• Active .

29. Tight or bomb?
• what?

30. Singer or dancer?
• dancer

31. Stunner?
• dono

32. Hiphop?
• YES. if possible

33. Earrings?

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-girlfriends-un
• wth

35. Dimples?
• LOL. dono

36. Bookworm?
• NO

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?

38. Playful?
• Yep .

39. Flirt?
• fuck no.

40. Poem writer?
• no

41. Serious?
• Sometimes .

42. Campus crush?
• Huh ?

43. Painter?
• hmmm. maybe?

44. Religious?
• not so strict lor

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
• not too much~

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
• FUCK NO -.-

47. Speaks 20 languages?

48. Loyal or faithful?
• Both !

49. good kisser
•lawl. anything

50. loves children??
• Yes~

so dumb.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

i cant stop thinking. I needa cry...badly...

sorry peeps for not updating for like 3 to 4 days? HEHHEHEEH.
cos i'm so lazy
and drag so long le. i also lazy to update on weekends.

yesterday was alright larhs. i forgot leh LOL
i only remembered today. ><

so yea. today woke up damn tired cos of sth ._.
went to sch. hair was madness. dono what shit lor lol
assembly was okay. chemistry was funny alr.
cos we sit at bio lab cant see then des ask miss yiew whats the ans she tell us stand up
we shift the table better LOL
so yea.

physics was sian like hell.
went to scene one studio. was damn cold la
but control lorhs. watch dono wad short clip
like can get motivated only -.-

ls was damn funny as usual. greet cher until so pek chek
"good morning malcolm!" :D
sleep abit then everyone throw paper.
we eat cereals. LOL!

recess *skip*

english did summary. okok lorhs.
listen 987. then end le hor wanna play my fav song
mr rao came. HOW NICE :(

maths was dumb la. funny also LOL
cos i keep making des laugh "EH DONKEY" HAHAA
then weekang suddenly so good to us then teach me maths somemore. LOL
jermyn colour my paper while teaching ._.

mt was slacky.



happy birthday my darling,
was i the first one to wish you? i hope so.
did u realise i waited till 12am?
i dont think so.
but yea.
officially 3 months being single
but it still feels like we broke up yesterday.
we knew each other and become together within 23 days.
after the breakup i thought it was just some bullshit love.
but its been 3 months
i still LOVE you.
what about you? are you that heartless to forget me alr?
i hope not. i really hope so...
but because of you. i'm afraid. afraid of love.
and i just wanna love you. so that no other guy can hurt me again.
not anymore.

Friday, July 23, 2010

today was great! i dont know why but when there's no you and you. i dont feel so uneasy.

first period was nth.d no contact time. miss kang kena wad thing lorh.
maybe sellathye or wad. LOL. jermyn said " i give u slap" damn funny.
so listened radio and sleep till english.

english was damn fun as usual. damn slack
and everyone saying munire dog or sth LOL
jermyn and germain are funny people
i will name my son jermyn next time. LOLOl!

maths was dumb la.
he scold us like scolding desiree only. HAHA
failed my test. swee ka liao :P
copy the answers. he explain like no explain de. wth.

recess was damn happy!
saw the 2 cutie pies. like wtf. happy to the max
even i talk to desiree also cant talk properly ._.

art was okay larhs. did our work
sat with clarie and jermyn
i love it man. i feel happy when i can make jermyn laugh. LOL
and yes he's damn funny. even when he do presentation also laugh and dance. HAHA
my presentation was crap larhs. heck care :P

homed. nth much lerhs.
wanna each lunch liao

k thx bye :D

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Zzz. So pissed suddenly. Cos i realised i lost so many things. My comb that my mum bought for me which was quite expensive. I lost my black cheap comb not long ago. My last sasa nice and expensive rubberband dono suddenly disappear. my pencil that i used since primary 2. And i have to adapt to the changes which i fucking hate it. And now phone songs are LOST. Wth is going on. If anyone buy for me those stuff exactly the same. I swear i would buy you an expensive meal. Angry piece me shit. Zzz

3E5 '10 not full class photo.

racial harmony day!

yesyes. yesterday was racial harmony day. aha!
class photo on top.
desiree can take from here alr ah. LOL

today school was okay.
kinda fun. cos got art. HAHAAHA :X

first period was alr great. cos free period.
and a kinda new indian teacher came. weekang said "this colour i dont like ah:
LOL. made me laugh like hell
and he had a new saying "aiiyah aiiyah" LOL
sounds damn funny when he says it.
"quarrel" with that cher. damn funny

physics was slacky.

english was okay larhs. sort of free period aka "reflecting time"
HAHA! see mr heng pictures only
then munire wad pakor thingy. damn funny
he think he james bond.

recess was okay (-.-)

mt cher didnt come. nothing much also.

maths was funny as usual.
had a test. fail. confirm

okay. nth much. assembly wasnt that boring.
time passed very fast. :O

after school stayed back for art.
damn tired. but happy. cos i finished mo-most of my stuff. LOL

homed. now damn tired.
currently doing my mind map and artist statement all those
tmr's presentation! wtf. dont like!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


i'm feeling so tired now.
i'm back home.
got funny things happen
but so tired :(

update tmr ya? or maybe tonight.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hello everyone! Its 10 now. Im so tired. Legs are feeling painful. Tmr 2.4 run. Idio lo. Lol. Finished desiree card le. Nice only. LOL. Nothing much to say la. Boliao only. Keep thinking of him and me together today. Simply sucky and hurtful. Zzz
finally! using com to update.
LOL. gonna type mad fast!

today school was okay. woke up so cold
never cover blanket. and i did my packing and stuff without the fan. LOL
went school.
school was bored larhs.

physics did POP quiz. LOL.
copy only. then talk to desiree.
whole class was damn slacky.

chemistry cher didnt come.
heard she operation or wad.
listen radio. sleep.

mt was same also. LOL

recess okok la. always with yuvan
found out that some of my musics gone.fml.

er. maths was kinda great today
cos got china students come. then weekang deesiao only.
kena tio meh by mr rao all thanks to desiree. LOLOL.

geo was slack.
laugh alot cos of sheng han thing. HAHA.

mt did nothing. kena choke my desiree.

went to lot 1. bought present for desiree.
went to bpp. waste money ><
buy sth else. LOL
rain like hell.
lucky all the place i go drizzle only.

nothing much lerhs.
tmr will update?
see first :P

my wish didnt come true -.-
so my prayer isnt sincere enough. LOLOL


Monday, July 19, 2010

LOL. Happy only. 11.11 le! Wished. And time to sleep! Nights people!
haha! Its like how long more to 11.11. I really wanna wish i can see cutie pie tmr. Zzz. Nuts me. Wahaha. So yea. Gonna buy stuff from blogshop for chloe and me. And wth la. Mood not very good. Cos i have people like to copy me. Cannot tahan only. I help u then you go buy that thing with your friends. Feels like youre using me to get it. Now also. And yes. Im doing the same method to you. I heck care alr. Everything only for desiree. Hate people who copy. HAtE.
hello people! Today wanted to on com to update. But lazy la. S update here. Haha! So no pictures. Today school was alright lo. Laugh laugh only. Nearly every period laugh! Because me munire, eugene, wee kang and alot alot. So damn funny. Hehe. Didnt see cutie pie today. Don tell me every thursday then can. Lol. So went mac to buy lunch. Went home. Bro did the data thingy. So now all my pictures and music inside! But the pictures in another file. Sian can. Contacts i had to copy on paper from my phone and took 1 hour to type everything here. Zzz. Me and bro laugh like hell. Cos people nickname plus their name lo. Lol. Now listening to radio 987. Muttons on the go! I love them like hell la! Can bathe and listen too. HAPPY! Okay la. Nothing mug to say le. I womb see cutie pie tmr! Gonna wait till 11.11 later and wish. LOL. I know its so not me. HEHE. Bye!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

hello everyone! Nearly forgot to update. Hehe. Today was kinda okay. Went to tp. And like duh. That idiot cousin. Todays not the worst. Thank god. LOL. Dinner time was wad lo. Nothing big. So nvm. LOL. Okay la. Thats all. Typing not so slow le. I think i know the technique le lOL. Tmr school day! Art again 9th. Feel like pon. LOL. K la. Bye bye
Its 12 plus am. Im still crazy over this phone. LOL. I was at facebook looking at cutie pies profile then i thought can save his number in my phone. End up i pressed call. Wth i faster put down. He immediately call back. Damn shock like hell. I had to text him with excuses and stuff. And now hes the only person in my contact list. LOL. And fyi people! Cutie pie is a name i call him. He dono de. And hes not my stead! LOL. Okay. This post may seem short but i took a fucking long time. ZZZ. Nights people!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

HAHA! Guess what? Im using my new phone now!! MAD HAPPY CAN?! LOL. Okay. Model number is X6-00. Its a new phone. Touch screen type! Happy la. But sometime quite dulan. Cos now type econ slow. :( k la. Will update tmr with phone! Haven got my contacts and my stuff. Hope by tmr everything done le. HEHE. BYE!
it's saturday!
my eyes i mad. always got water come out
and feels so swollen :(
i swear i'm not gonna rub my eyes again!

dad's in office.
bro go ndp
mum go salon.
so i can update.
HEHE. dad sent phone for repair :(
hope will be okay lorhs..

computer is so laggy.
cant even go to other blogs.
so yea.
sorry if i haven tagged u all for long!
monday then update.


Friday, July 16, 2010

hi bloggy~
quick update. cos i wanna take a nap and sleep and bathe
later dentist appointment. i feel like making it tighter once more.

today school's alright.
wanted to see cutie pie ._.
always never see.
no fate la huh. LOL
and idiot desiree always deesiao me
before i talk about your nose then you know.
anyway. nothing much to say lerhs.

if tmr parents go out then can update.
if not.
cya on monday!

i got no time to go people blog nowadays.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

i cant believe i got too emotional till i cried just now.
and oops. i'm alright alr. LOL.

my phone is officially no hope alr
cos my mum phone dono wad cock registration code
call nokia. no one ans.
then watever lorhs.
most likely gonna buy new phone?
and yes. no sms,no music,no secret fb with phone. no lappy
i feel so disconnected from the world -.-

so now i'm here pretending to do art.
tmr friday. dentist appointment.
feel like making tighter still.

tmr then update.


currently talking to cutie pie number 1.
ey people!
i chionged home, but dad didnt come back ._.

i'm super super lazy to update.
because school kinda sucks.
like totally.
and the weather is so omfg. LOL
always so tired in the bus~

i'm currently using my com.
so slow :(
when my lappy can be normal again larhs.

should i put back tagboard?

two cutie pies.
EHE! *shy*

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

HAHA! I bathed! And i feel so clean and great. LOL. Hair dry abit le. Phone little battery. I don feel like sleeping >.< anyway, i know my blog is effing clean with no photos of me :( wanna go facebook le. BYE!
No lappy today! Okay, not really sad la LOL. School was normal. Lazy to talk much about it. Kinda slacky. After school i missed my bus! Like bloody hell cos its been a long time since i missed it ._. So yea. Waiting for 20 mins. Finally came. Damn tired. Keep dozing off in bus. So chiong home eat lunch. Watch tv. Slept. And wth!!! I intended to sleep for 1 hour. I slept for 2 hour plus. When i woke up i faster jumped out of bed plus prepare all my bathing stuff. When i went down to drink water my parents came back. WTF CAN LOL. So i lied that i bathed. Zzz. I know its gross. And yes. Its night time and i never bathe the whole day. LOL.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Zzz idiot. Post got max de. LOL. So ya. Yuvan said that to her. And her reply was "i give you slap!" lOL DAMN FUNNY. English was damn fun. Always making me laugh. Geo was bored. Etc. Chemistry was okay. Tmr got test~~ stay back physics. Slept awhile. Damn humid. Now its cooling! But i need to bathe and do my work. Aww. Nothing much le. Will try to on my com. But most pictures in my lappy. Haven put in fb. ZZZ. Pictures overload!!! im pissed today. Zzz. Fun. But pissed. Fucker. Oh yea. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRAPTI. LOL. And tmr is joshua birthday. Hehe!
Bloody hell. My lappy spoil. The screen keep shaking up and down. Eyes damn painful. Cant even see what i clicking -.- so yea. Using phone to update. Somemore got so many pictures i wanna upload!! THEN HOW :( Today was kinda fun and ANGRY day. Was damn tired in the morning. Went to school. Physics was damn tired. Somemore i sit the place so hot make me wanna vomit. After that maths was damn funny. I never kena homework. LUCKY! Chinese nothing much. Recess was damn funny. Did the mr rao open door thing. LOL. When going english yuvan kena scolded. He told mdm sellathye "if you have the book you give me 50 Follor" lOL

Monday, July 12, 2010

LOL. First time try use phone internet to post leh!! Quite good. Hoho its 11.35. Im tired. But i have to wait till 12! My maid prapti birthday!! LOL. Damn tired seriously. Plus tmr joshua bday. LOL. Okay. Will do update tmr kay? Pictures spam tmr!
i'm sad.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

today i'm gonna talk about :


she's a great blogger.
i'm a avid reader of her blog.
but wtf?

go to to watch her video about the Ipad.
i hate it so much!


first is dawn yang. now xia xue.
in my opinion. people who do plastic surgery have low self esteem in themselves.
or something like that.
i can even have the guts to say that i'm prettier than both of them!
cos why? i dont do photoshop. i dont do plastic surgery or anything to my face.
i'm confident about myself. i find that i'm normal. i'm considered prettier than them.
because this is my actual face. my actual photos.
what for do plastic surgery? is it because you were too ugly?
or what. trying to be the prettiest among all?
since you are born with this face. then so be it!
also not say before that you very ugly.
i think i have the right to say this point because i dont do stuff like those.
and i swear. i wont do photoshop or plastic surgery.
indirectly saying " my parents gave me ugly features. i must change them"


2) XX (xiaxue) criticizing the Ipad.

Ipad is known all over the world. its alright if u praise it or criticize it.
but not too much!
the way she says it like so irritating larhs!
vulgars everywhere. and finding mostly everything to complain about.
and even saying people who are crazy over the ipad queuing for it.
arent u crazy about pink? you're crazy too alright? so FUCKING IRRITATING.
as what u said about the apps in ipad. "fucking irritating"
and even the book reading or magazine in ipad. ( sorry if i dont know the app name in ipad. i'm not a big fan of it (: )
also wanna comment. eg " why wanna copy the way u flip the page in ipad and in rl"
" i fucking hate it ( women models who show their muscles). i mean like, healthy also dont need show it. makes me feel so guilty that i'm fat and flabby."

WTF?! i mean like. criticizing ipads its okay. what for say nonsense stuff?
models who show off their healthiness is better than u showing off your fats in your videos. and wearing FUCKING IRRITATING SHORT SHORTS?


i love reading her blog. but i hate how she says stuff and talks.
and i know i'm criticizing her too. but this is my opinion.
like how she says the Ipad.

people can criticize me. i dont mind.
because no one's perfect.
but how she comments on stuff?
like she's so perfect.

seeing her face shows she's not real anymore.

no offence to people who loves xx alot. (:

Friday, July 9, 2010

hello people!
sorry got no time to update!
now also!
i'm at home now. but gonna bathe and do stuff then go back sch!


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

it's been a long time since i heard your voice.
and suddenly when i heard it.
i felt amazingly happy.

today was a damn funny day. everyday is funny. LOL.
morning i woke up abit later ._.
cos ellyneyeo is too blur until she set the clock at 7.45 LOL
supposed to be 6.45.
heng dad called me wake up.
desiree has fever. aww!

everything was normal.
jermyn keep making class laugh.
but mostly me and desiree laughing only LOL

"drink coke with pipe"
and jermyn imitating the old woman is Your Hand In Mine.
plus eugene sat beside me. damn funny
wanna check my armpit hair. LOLOL!

so many work to do.
but i'm slacking ;P
have tuition tonight.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010


hello people!
my font has changed! o.o
i didnt set it this way. lol
so yea. gonna update about yesterday.

woke up at 9 plus. everything normal.
use lappy. blahblah, called desiree if wanna book online.
SO IDIOT. LOL. so full liao lorhs!
so faster chionged bathe. everything everything.
rushed to west mall. met desiree at mrt! LOLOL.
so reached there.
waited to long, a big grp of people infront of us.
"is there enough?" LOL.

(okay i'm chionging) will explain tmr.

watched the show. laughed like crazy.
got no time to explain why. maybe desiree update then go read. HAHA.

toilet. went to take neo prints!
chaos. -.-
took two times.
ate at kou fu. my fav ice kelly with COCKtail. LOL!

went home.

who will you choose?



some pictures are deleted cos i think i pressed wrongly.
but i got no time!
and my sentences are all underlined now -.-

i found my lappy in dad cupboard! LOL.
so yea.
i need to bathe and keep it back
plus do my work and tuition at night!

will update tmr about today.


Monday, July 5, 2010

tonight gonna give dad back lappy.
hen she bu de. LOL
but aiya nvm. still got slow com ><
will update tmr about today.


Sunday, July 4, 2010